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[37M] Divorce for about 7 years. Am Crazy for still having feelings for my ex[32F]?

So here’s a little of the back story. Our marriage of almost 5 years ended after I found out she had been cheating and she wanted to end the marriage. At the time we had an almost 2yo daughter. I was obviously hurt, but not totally emotionally disconnected from her. In an attempt to make life as easy as possible for our daughter our divorce was amicable and relatively smooth. I didn’t fight back, and I didn’t drag her through the mud even though it was mostly her doing to cause the divorce. The early times were a bit frustrating and aggravating, but I still never was able to stay mad at her for what had happened or what she put me through. I used to think that it was because she was the mother of my daughter and would always be a part of our lives, so why make things harder than they had to be. She moved on right away into another relationship,got remarried, and had another daughter. We’ve gotten along really well over the years despite what happened, and I always just thought that was the way it should go. As far as myself I’ve only been in one other semi serious relationship and it only lasted for a few months before it ended because the timing didn’t feel right. Now, lets fast forward a few years to about a year ago. I find out that her current marriage is on the rocks, and instantly,, I get this feeling of “What if?”. Well, their marriage ended like I figured it might and now she’s single again. Ever since the decline of her last marriage my feelings for her have been growing stronger especially seeing how her new ex is and has treated her. It pains me to see that happening to her despite what she put me through years ago. Here lately its been driving me nuts thinking about it and I cant figure out where it’s coming from. I’ve never felt this way before in my life about anyone. I have no clue if she shares the same sentiment and feel that this is really not the time to try and find out. I don’t want to be that guy that swoops in right after a failed marriage, especially since they are still battling their own things, but i also don’t want to go the rest of my life wondering “what if?”….

Has anyone else been through this before? Am i crazy for feeling this way? Because honestly I feel like if given the chance I’d take her back in half a heartbeat.

TL;DR! My ex wife has recently been divorced again and I’m having feelings for her again. Is this crazy of me to feel like this after what she put me through?

Submitted December 03, 2021 at 09:51PM by fleettech
[37M] Divorce for about 7 years. Am Crazy for still having feelings for my ex[32F]? [37M] Divorce for about 7 years. Am Crazy for still having feelings for my ex[32F]? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 04, 2021 Rating: 5

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