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Should I write off my extended family? I might deserve their anger.

So back in the day my grandparents made a killing in the real estate industry. They have both passed on and all their assets were divided up between their kids; my dad and his two sisters.

Two years ago after I got back from a couple of my own projects my dad approached me to offer up the trailer park he inherited for me to take over. I needed something to do so I agreed.

When I got to the park it was overgrown, and in serious disrepair. The only resident was an old timer friend of my grandpa we called "Uncle Roy." Uncle Roy took care of the place in exchange for free rent. After talking with him we came up with a plan to get the place back in operation. One problem we both couldn't figure out was how we were going to get tenants. He suggested talking to the county court house about parolees needing a place to stay. That's how he came to live there, so why not?

So over the next few days Uncle Roy talked to the contractors and I went to the court house. Talking with the county prosecutor, she counters with using the park exclusively for registered sex offenders. I admit I was against this at first. But she said "they can live at the park, 5 miles out of town and no neighbors for another 1.5 miles, or next to the schools and parks in town." I agreed on the condition I can get an exemption for the equal housing laws, specifically no residents under 18 y/o. That was surprisingly easy.

From there it was just putting in the work fixing and modernizing the park for occupancy. It took about 6 months until we were ready for applications, I told the county prosecutor to keep us in mind come probation sentences. When I got to her office we had 36, (several people thought the "no one under 18" was worth living next to a "S" offender).

By the end of 2019 the park was at full capacity and now we're working on expanding into the woods that are part of the overall property. Between my savings and what I'm taking home from the park's rent I'll be able to buy out dad in few months and be a full owner under my business license.

Here's where I screwed up. This park use to be pretty popular with my family for reunions, there was a playground on the site and a large pavilion with a brick BBQ. I took out the playground (obviously) but left the pavilion and even fixed it up and bought some new tables.

Last week my aunt came to visit and wanted to check the place out. I told her my cousin couldn't go if she was going to bring her kids. When she asked why, I told her about the gentleman living there and she blew up.

"You turned our family's park into a home for child molesters!" Was one of several things she said/screamed to me, then she pulled out her phone and started texting my other aunt and then everything turned into a nuclear family shit storm.

Here's the thing, we haven't had a family reunion there in 10 years, my spoiled ass cousins wouldn't even stay there if we did. They would stay in the family owned hotel in town instead. But they do have a point of me chosing prophet over memories. My dad was a little hesitant himself until he saw the place actually making money. He's on my side because we're using the funds from the park for some much needed upkeep on other properties, such as the hotel the whole family gets a cut from.

What's pissing me off though, is both my aunt's familys are accusing me of being "pro child abuser." While I see this as keeping them somewhere that you can keep an eye on them. I want to state that I am in no way supportive of the choices these men made. But, unless you're going to just shoot em and be done with it, they need a place to live.

So I'm pretty close to telling them to go pound sand and cutting off support to the rest of the family's holdings once I get full ownership of the park. This will result in cuts to the bottom line and they might have to do something with their lives besides falling for pyramid schemes and vacations. I on the other hand will be set for rest of my life with very minimal effort.

TL:DR.. I pissed off my family by turning an old trailer park into a place for convinced sex offenders to live, that was once used for my family's reunions. Now they're pissed, so am I and I'm getting ready to bail on them. Should I?

Submitted August 28, 2021 at 07:28PM by Generic_Cache
Should I write off my extended family? I might deserve their anger. Should I write off my extended family? I might deserve their anger. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 29, 2021 Rating: 5

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