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A girl told me (21F) that my bf (21M) went to a club and kissed another girl, but we’re meant to move in together in 3 weeks.

Hi all,

Bit of background info - I am starting a Masters course in a week in The Netherlands (I am French), and my bf (British) is meant to move to the Netherlands to be with me. We already have an apartment, and I moved in just yesterday to start classes and he will be joining me in 3 weeks.

Yesterday I was about to sleep when I get a message request from a girl saying “ Hiya, I don’t want to seem like a bitch but I can’t just sit back and not tell you because I know if it was me I’d want to know. I was out a few weeks ago in (club) and your boyfriend was there and he sat with me with his mates for ages and all he spoke about was you and how much he loved you but then when we went to the club he ended up getting with some random girl and idk who she is but I tried to stop him and he didn’t. Obviously I won’t message you again unless you want me to but I just thought it was right for you to know x”

First of all, he did not tell me he was going out, he just randomly stopped texting for hours. I didn’t think much of it though and the next day asked what happened and he said he was just chilling at a bar with friends. Clearly that was a lie, as they went to a club and he didn’t tell me. I don’t care if he goes out, but I feel like lying about going to a club is sketchy enough as it is.

Anyway, I then confronted my bf and he said he did lie about going out and that he just didn’t want to risk an argument (not sure why we would argue about that though). Then i asked him about the girl and he said he didn’t do it. I told him to stop lying and he admitted that he was blackout drunk that night and do not remember anything. He called his friends to ask what happened, and turns out he was smashed, a girl took him to dance and they kissed (i don’t know for how long, if she kissed him, etc). He says hes sorry and won’t get that drunk ever again, that he didn’t know what he was doing etc.

I don’t know what to do, i understand if hes drunk and kissed someone for a second and then stopped, but he hid from me that he was going out and i have no idea who started the kiss or who stopped it. That was a month ago, so he had lots of time to come clean but didn’t.

I do love him and don’t want to break up, but I also don’t think I (or anyone) deserves to be cheated on and lied to.

Any advice?

TLDR- my bf went to club, lied about it, and kissed a girl there. He was blackout drunk and says he doesnt remember. I heard of all that from another girl even though he had weeks to come clean. We’re moving in together in 3 weeks and i don’t know what to do.

Submitted August 27, 2021 at 11:31PM by Used-Leopard-5989
A girl told me (21F) that my bf (21M) went to a club and kissed another girl, but we’re meant to move in together in 3 weeks. A girl told me (21F) that my bf (21M) went to a club and kissed another girl, but we’re meant to move in together in 3 weeks. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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