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Ex-GF (17F) is trying to get back with me (19M)

Mutually agreed to break up with one another three weeks tomorrow; blocked each other on social media, left phone numbers unblocked. I hadn't called her in two weeks, but talked to her again two nights ago.

The arguing wasn't constant, she's admitted it was more due more to her than I. Regardless, she called me last night around 9pm. I've moved since the breakup, 2 hours away to college, and I was sleeping when this first happened. She was crying when she called, talking about some guy who hurt her, & etc.

We'd argued consistently during our relationship about a guy (17M) who was trying to get with her; of course she never took my advice, saying he was "just a friend". She ended up using him as something of a rebound, and had/tried to have sex with him. The distinction was entirely irrelevant to me; she was telling me things I didn't want to know about her. Sometimes there's things in life you're better off not knowing, and hearing that crap's got me feeling like I got smashed in the face with a sledge hammer.

Anyways, she said it happened when she was drunk, "I was too dry, so I couldn't fit it in." The whole situation just disgusted me; I felt like throwing up. She then went on to say she got scared, left him with blue balls, and left. Evidently he was pissed off she left him hanging, so he's been treating her like a dog ever since. This led to her, evidently, blowing their co-worker (20M) in the backseat of her car, and now the younger kid's really pissed at her. The older gent was evidently going around their job bragging about it; leading to the present situation.

I didn't want to hear any of this, honest truth, but I haven't moved on yet. There's a lot of lingering feelings, and it's GD near impossible for me to harden my heart and just move on. It didn't help that she was apologizing about sleeping with other guys, etc. I put up something of a front, saying we weren't together so it didn't matter and I didn't care, which she evidently believed. She went on to say she missed me, still loved me, regretted our break up, and things of that like. I told her she didn't need to be saying them things, what's done is done.

Still, I don't know what to do about the whole situation. There's a good distance (2 hours) between us, she's blocked on social media, and I'm not letting her know how I'm actually feeling. But the fact remains that it's killing me on the inside, and I'm sick and tired of living at this point. Still feel like vomiting, the whole situation just disgusts me inside and out. I'm just a sad sack of crap, but GD if this whole situation don't hurt like hell. Probably gonna drink her memory away with some JD tonight, usually helps with the pain.

All this said, any advice for the whole situation?

tl;dr Ex-GF is trying to get back up with me, it's tearing me up something bad. Any advice?

Submitted August 27, 2021 at 06:39AM by KingJew1337
Ex-GF (17F) is trying to get back with me (19M) Ex-GF (17F) is trying to get back with me (19M) Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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