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Coworker (33F) constantly making fun of my accent and disrespectful, happened in multiple occasion. Should I (31F) confront her?


I am working as an analyst and working in this industry from the bottom since I graduated. Also, please bear in mind that English is not my first language. I never get overseas qualification, but got really lucky when Global Opportunity Program launched in the company - in which I passed all the test. That is why how I ended up in this country. I need to explain this as this would make sense in the stories.

This new coworker just joined early 2021 and straightaway established that she is an ambitious one. She has lots of experience from different industry which is interesting to hear. At first, we got along really well. We shared same hobbies and I even looked after her house when she went out of town to visit her family couple of times. We hangout on weekend to check out some cocktail bars while she's talking about her bad dates experience. At first, it seems like a very friendly situation.

I could speak English on Professional Level. Before I come to this country, I must undergo English test to proof that I could communicate well and perform my job. However, accent is something different. No one so far ever mocks me. I use incorrect slang/ idiom but most of the people are just laugh and explain the correct term afterwards. This new coworker always such a Pronunciation Police. Every "funny" words I said, she will correct it. When we had lunch in break room, when we have Friday Night Drinks, when we hangout with some coworkers outside of work. She will do that even when I do my presentation/ training. I never take it personally but it kinda annoys me when it was repetitively happened. I did say to her one time, "You do know English is not my native language. Imagine if you... working in France so you have to speak French. It is not easy, you know? But I think I am doing alright. So far, everyone understand my points and no one ever complaints about me not being able to communicate". I don't think she really get the grasp of that.


Things started to change when they posted a new position in the office, which will earn quite a good money. I never interested in applying anyway as I love where I am at. She applied and passed the interview. Salary wise, it is quite a promotion but organisation wise, nothing changed. I do not report to her and vice versa. One time, we have a dinner event with some of our customers. So this is not just a casual dinner - it's a work event with people from outside our organisation. She started to taking control of the conversation. What surprised me was that she threw my accent as a joke and how my English capability was questionable - considering I am analyst that I often do presentation for my report. Basically mocking at some stage, like how i always say subsequently or consecutive in wrong pronunciation. I saw a couple chuckled but most of them looking uncomfortable. It still baffles me to date why she did that in the first place as I thought we were friends. After that, I was feeling very uncomfortable towards her and started to withdrawn from work.


Fast forward to this week, I got asked by junior officer on how to use the software. I went to his desks - but noticed she followed us. When I am talking a sentence, she cut me out and trying to explain to him. After she finished, I started to talk again to him to show him the procedures, but again she cut me again. So I asked "are you going to let me finished? - I asked him a question as I am trying to understand what he was asking, but if you want to explain it - by all means, please do". She responded with "no no it's okay you go ahead, I am just helping to explain a bit too". I responded, "well if both of us are talking at the same time, don't you think its going to confuse him? Would you like to take it from here?". Her face looks a bit tight and just murmured "go ahead, you continue" She still stood there while I explained to this junior officer. After that I go back to my desk, and I heard her talking to this junior officer. It is really loud that I could hear it from my desk, "Let me tell you something about this that (my name) doesn't know about because she is not in operation - clearly".


I got pissed and very much wanted to confront her with like, "what is your problem to me?" but then now I am break room writing this. Should I ask her what is her deal with me? Am I feeling too sensitive and just need to let it go.

--- **TL;DR;** : English is not my mother tongue but has been in the company for 5 years. Coworker (33F) of 8 months was making fun on my accent and being disrespectful towards me (31F). Should I confront her?

Submitted August 25, 2021 at 01:52AM by FordEverest
Coworker (33F) constantly making fun of my accent and disrespectful, happened in multiple occasion. Should I (31F) confront her? Coworker (33F) constantly making fun of my accent and disrespectful, happened in multiple occasion. Should I (31F) confront her? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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