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Parents oddly involved in break up situation need help

So relatively out of the blue, my bf/ex(?) told me that he is having doubts about if I was the girl for him. This is after we have been together a little over two years and planning to be engaged this summer.

When he told me this, it was the day after he had reassured me that he loved me and was excited for our future. After he told me he was having doubts, I asked specifically what they were and he said he didn’t know. So I said what do you want to do/expect from me and he said again he didn’t know. So I said I’m gonna go now and think but I’ll call you later and you call me if you figure out what you want (this was yesterday.)

So I drove home and on the way called my mom crying my eyes out obviously hurt and confused. A relevant point here: about six months ago we broke up and it really kind of broke me down and my parents saw me going through it. We got back together after 10 days. I’m a med student and it really made me unable to do anything with my studies. So anyways, fast forward to present, I call my mom on the way home after he told me about his doubts and I’m just heart broken.

When I get home, I’m bawling and saying idk what he wants and I’m worried how I’ll get through my studies with this all happening. My mom calls my bfs mom and very nicely and politely tells her to please tell him to not contact me. That he’s hurt me too much with his lack of stability in knowing what he wants. That she wishes him the best but for my peace of mind he shouldn’t contact me. I understand my mom did this. She couldn’t bear to see me suffer waiting around to see what he wanted after thinking through his doubts.

So now we’re in this weird gray area. Idk if we’re actually broken up. Neither one of us has reached out. I assume his mom told him to not contact me but we never affirmed a break up to each other (or at least him to me) Idk if I should reach out or if this just means we’re done now? Is the responsibility on me to reach out since he was told not to contact me, or will me doing so just feel like rejection all over again? I’m at a loss what to do

TLDR: not sure if I need to reach out to my ex still or if we’re considered broken up

Submitted February 28, 2021 at 06:18PM by holywowzaa
Parents oddly involved in break up situation need help Parents oddly involved in break up situation need help Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 01, 2021 Rating: 5

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