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My [19M] girlfriend [19F] and my best friend at uni who is also my housemate [19M] got into a huge argument and I don't know what to do.

I'm a second year university student and with the whole COVID situation there have been, on a few occasions, arguments about self isolation, symptoms etc. Some of my housemates said things that may have seemed like nothing to them but upset my girlfriend, and they didn't know. My best friend in question was rung up by my girlfriend around a month ago and they got into an argument then, with the two of them refusing to apologise to the other about things so an impasse was reached.

Last night, me, my best friend and one of my other housemates went to my girlfriend's house (as she lives with the rest of our friendship group) for a few drinks. My girlfriend went up to her room about halfway through to be on her own when she heard my best friend, at this point drunk, talking about her and their situation. She goes outside to see what's being said and a screaming match then ensued, my best friend shouting that he wants to kill himself and my girlfriend screaming at him to get out the house. Their anger was then took out on the house around them, my best friend punching a door, calling my girlfriend a cunt, my girlfriend is tearing out supports from the staircase banister. Then my best friend storms out the house, my girlfriend tries to chase after him, still screaming before I finally arrived and took her back inside.

Now, she's thinking she's the problem and the one at fault. She's said too that she hates being her and I had to restrain her from reaching for a shard of broken glass to hurt herself last night too. I'm today back in my uni house but just staying in my room as my anxiety is at a sky high as I just don't know what to do. I'm truly at a loss as to what I could do or say but I haven't got a single idea and its killing me. What the hell do I do?

Tl;DR My best friend at university and my girlfriend got into a massive, screaming argument and I don't know what to do.

Submitted November 26, 2020 at 01:35PM by HaydnNUFC
My [19M] girlfriend [19F] and my best friend at uni who is also my housemate [19M] got into a huge argument and I don't know what to do. My [19M] girlfriend [19F] and my best friend at uni who is also my housemate [19M] got into a huge argument and I don't know what to do. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 26, 2020 Rating: 5

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