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Utterly fed up with how much time my (30F) husband (30M) spends on World of Warcraft. Already spoken to him about it a few times and it's made no difference. Am I out of line?

TDLR: Husband spends all of his free time playing World of Warcraft and nothing else. He is no longer interested in any of his hobbies or spending time with friends (even pre-pandemic) and is ignorant and unresponsive when playing. It's been this way for about two years, and when I bring it up it causes arguments where he either says he'll cut down but doesn't or accuses me of trying to stop him doing what he enjoys (not true). I am also a gamer, but I'm worried about how much he plays and quite frankly am finding him boring and less attractive all of the time - so much so I'd probably end it if we weren't married. Please give me some advice if you've been through anything similar.

This ended up being a lot longer than expected - sorry! I guess I've been bottling things up for a while, but I can't talk to my friends about this because my husband is embarrassed that he plays World of Warcraft and gets upset if I tell people.

I love my husband more than anything. He has loads of great qualities - smart, funny, kind - and is my best friend, but this is becoming a real issue. In fact, it has been for about 2 years now.

When we were first met (I was 23 and he was 24) we'd both just graduated from university. He was incredibly passionate about music and played guitar, he loved football (which I've never got, but I was glad it made him happy) and was heavily into politics.

Now, he has no hobbies at all besides playing World of Warcraft. He does nothing else with his free time other than watch football a few times a week when it's the right season. He plays it all day every day on weekends and all night after work. Since we both started WFH in March he even plays it on his lunch hour.

I can't even blame this on the pandemic, as it started long before that. In fact, it started becoming a problem a few months before we got married. I talked to him about it then and he said he was just stressed with work and wedding planning and was using it to escape, but that he'd cut back. He didn't.

Next time we talked about it was a few months after we got married and the problem hadn't gone away. He said the same thing about work again, but that he was also feeling down and using to to relax. I have also battled mental health issues and understood, so I dropped it and really believed it when he said he'd cut back. And he did, for a while, but then the pandemic happened and we're back to square one.

Other than the issue with WoW, our relationship is great and I don't believe he is depressed anymore, despite the pandemic. We just moved into our first house, we both have great jobs and are lucky enough to not have to worry about money like most people right now. In fact, in the last few weeks he's expressed how happy he is several times, but I'm not.

I don't have a problem with games, I LOVE games, and have problem put 100s if not thousands of hours into some franchises over the years, but a game has never taken over my life like this. I know it sounds awful, but he's becoming increasingly boring, ignorant and less attractive to me, because he literally does nothing else. If we were dating and this issue has arisen earlier, I've have ended it - that's how much it bothers me - but we're married, we've built a life together and I love him. When I try to talk to him about it now he either says he'll cut back but doesn't or accuses me of criticising him and who he is, and frankly, I'm exhausted. Can anyone who has been through something similar please offer advice?

Submitted November 29, 2020 at 12:23PM by Cat_mommie
Utterly fed up with how much time my (30F) husband (30M) spends on World of Warcraft. Already spoken to him about it a few times and it's made no difference. Am I out of line? Utterly fed up with how much time my (30F) husband (30M) spends on World of Warcraft. Already spoken to him about it a few times and it's made no difference. Am I out of line? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 29, 2020 Rating: 5

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