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My boyfriend (M29) routinely deletes all evidence of me(26F) and our relationship off of social media.

Previously, this has happened when we fought. Now, he seems to do it randomly, then lies that there were any posts with both of us in the first place. It's a weird and awkward lie, but a lie so obvious that it makes it hard to call out. Saying: "I know that's a lie", seems aggressive, but we both know that it is.

I also know social media is silly as a relationship indicator -- but the deleting and lying feels worrying.

We've been together a year. My worst fear is that this is some cheating ploy. My other suspicion is that he told his friends we broke up so that he didn't have to say that he had me in his social bubble. I feel paranoid, but I can't understand what would make someone do this.

Is this a red flag, or something that is his own business and none of mine?

TL:DR My boyfriend erases the fact that we are together from his social media and I am worried that this is a cheating red flag or that he is ashamed of me.

Submitted November 27, 2020 at 03:07PM by jazzprior
My boyfriend (M29) routinely deletes all evidence of me(26F) and our relationship off of social media. My boyfriend (M29) routinely deletes all evidence of me(26F) and our relationship off of social media. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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