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Boyf smokes too much weed - can I ask him to cut down?

I’d like to preface this by saying that my bf(30m) I (27f) are functional stoners, and have been together 6 months now, although for the first 4, we were casually seeing each other and both sleeping with other people and have been exclusive for 2 months.

We met during the pandemic and immediately hit it off, he was off work due to an injury and I was on furlough, so the beginning of our relationship was essentially getting high and doing summertime lockdown activities. It was great and I had no issues with it.

However he ended things at 4 months because he didn’t want a relationship but then a week later came back saying he made a mistake and things have been great since... except from the weed habits. I’m back at work now and told him I’d only be smoking on weekends moving forward. When we got back together, completely unprompted, he said himself he wanted to cut down and do weekends too. I was quite happy with this arrangement, but steadily over the past 2 months it’s gone back to daily smoking.

Now I don’t care what he does when he’s home and I’m not there but when we’re together it would be nice to spend some time together not high. I’m not asking for the whole weekend, I’m simply asking that getting high is not the first thing on his mind when I arrive, or when we get up, or when we decide to do an activity. He’s really functional high, I’m functional but would still rather be sober to get on with daily things and keep smoking for the evenings.

So pals of reddit, am I unreasonable for wanting him to cut down after he said he would? Do I have a right to ask? Should I just accept this as who he is and deal with it?Ngl it was a relief when he said he would cut down bc the smoking habits from during lockdown are not ones I’d like to have for myself or my partner in the long term.

Thanks all!

TLDR: boyf said he would cut down on weed but has slowly gone back to previous habits. It’s not really want I want for myself or a partner, can I ask him to cut down again?

Submitted November 30, 2020 at 01:58AM by lafanecm
Boyf smokes too much weed - can I ask him to cut down? Boyf smokes too much weed - can I ask him to cut down? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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