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How do we have sex after almost a decade

Tl;dr My bf (22M) and I (21F) have been friends since middle school and have reconnected on and off over the years, never had sex yet. Been dating long distance for months, seeing eachother New Years. Both live at home. How do we have sex?!

In late 2012 I was in the 7th grade and moving into my step dads house with my mom. By the time 8th grade started I had met a classmate and neighbor and we began spending tons of time together. We dated (12F) (13M) on and off (normal middle school stuff nothing crazy). By 9th grade I moved away and at this point we were still friends and neighbors and I loved and respected him as a friend and he did me as well. As time went on, 1000 miles apart we would find each other again and again for brief periods to have conversations or flirt. If he ever reached out, I didn’t care who I was with or what I was doing I was elated to respond and hear from him. Throughout high school girlfriends and boyfriends come and go but when his phone lit up with a message from me nothing else mattered, he broke up with a few people because of me and same here.

In 2017 we started college and I moved back to town, the first night in my dorm I was lonely so he rode his bike over and spent the night with me, this time (17F) (18M). No sex or anything just a good friend and a good nights sleep. The first semester I met someone and he had just gotten out of a bad relationship prior to spending the night so we didn’t really reconnect again.

In 2018 I transferred back to a college up north finding myself 1000 miles away again.

In 2019 we spoke for months on end in the spring wishing we could be together but both living at home with normal jobs and school realized it was impossible for the time being and talking faded out.

In 2020 over quarantine we reached out to each-other again and after a month of talking we realized how badly we missed one another and began dating, this time with plans for him to move up here post-virus.

We have gotten antsy to see each other with him considering riding his bike from south Florida to baltimore at one point. And finally I spoke to my dad and we decided I could spend an indefinite amount of time with my Florida family which now includes (22M) and I will being flying down on New Years to see him and my mom and grandmother and sister for an undetermined amount of time.

Here’s the kicker

We still both live at home and our parents are pretty cool but nobody leaves the house anymore and we want to shag each others brains out after waiting for nearly a decade to do so and don’t want to scar our families for life.

How the hell are we supposed to have sex like this!?

Submitted November 26, 2020 at 08:03PM by ellabeebunny
How do we have sex after almost a decade How do we have sex after almost a decade Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on November 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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