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My [F/23] partner [M/33] has decided he is polyamorous and I am not and I don't know what to do.

Me [F/23] and my partner [m/33] have been together for a little over two years and recently got engaged. In the past two months my partner has started a new job. He met a woman there [f/38] who he quickly became close friends with. To be clear, he has other close females friends and I have never had a problem with them. However, with this friend he has become really close with her very quickly and recently told me that he loves her as more than a friend but less than a partner. He and I have in the past talked about how you can love more than one person but I never thought about it in the sense of romantic love. More so how you love your partner and your friends and your parents.

He told me that he thinks he is polyamorous and he wants to be able to and suspects he will love more than one woman in his life. He has told me how he doesn't want to leave me and how he still wants to marry me and he told me how much he loves me and all the reasons why. And I know he does I can feel his love but I can't get past him loving someone else. I've been dealing with this for awhile and have been trying really hard to understand and be accepting. But it just hurts me every time I think about it. I feel so broken and hurt and I don't know what to do. I know his love for me is different from her and I know he won't leave me but it just hurts so much. To know he is attracted to her and she is attracted to him and he loves her too. It breaks me thinking about it. I feel like I am sounding dramatic but I just don't know what to do anymore. I don't know why I feel this way. Why if I know how much he loves me does it hurt so much that he loves someone else. Anyone who is polyamorous or has been through this if you have any advice or can help me understand, please do. I have been so sad for the past month trying to just understand. I don't know if I can deal with this my whole life but I love him so very much and don't want to lose him.

TDLR; my partner met another woman who he fast became friends with and told me he loves. He believes he is polyamorous. He still loves me and wants to be with me. I can't understand why I feel so hurt knowing he loves another woman too when I know how much he loves me. Anyone who has been through anything like this. If you have insight or advice. I'm all ears. I'm tired of feeling so broken down from this.

Submitted March 05, 2020 at 09:28PM by S4mmi3z
My [F/23] partner [M/33] has decided he is polyamorous and I am not and I don't know what to do. My [F/23] partner [M/33] has decided he is polyamorous and I am not and I don't know what to do. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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