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My [25f] boyfriend [24m] of 6 years has me blocked on everything

He’s had me blocked for months off all social media and his work phone. (Edit: I’d like to mention he blocked me off his social because I expressed concerns of my insecurities over a girl he slept with while we were on a break still being on his social media and him liking her photos)

We just recently got into an argument because he came over to my house so drunk he was sick and I’ve told him I’m not okay with him doing that before.

Anyway today I asked him to come over for dinner and he said he was going to stay home and drink instead, I haven’t seen him since that fight. I said he didn’t care enough to come see me instead of drinking by himself (sounds like a problem to me) He said he came over the other day and spent $30 in Lyfts just to see me and I said “you only spent that much because you were too sick to take the bus” he blew up from that and basically told me he’s done trying to make me happy.

I tried to apologize and talk to him and then he said he had to block me on my final only way to contact him, his phone, and he did.

I feel so insanely frustrated I want to tear my own eyes out, I’m considering driving to his house but with him drinking and pissed off i highly doubt that will go well.

Wtf do I even do?

Tl;Dr: boyfriend blocked me on every outlet of communication because of a fight

Submitted April 02, 2019 at 07:50PM by kat4610
My [25f] boyfriend [24m] of 6 years has me blocked on everything My [25f] boyfriend [24m] of 6 years has me blocked on everything Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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