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My [22F] girlfriend [21F] is trying to lose weight and it’s negatively impacting my own self confidence

My girlfriend and I have been together around 4 months. She is currently very into losing weight and dieting etc. It goes without saying that I think she’s gorgeous and doesn’t need to lose weight but if that’s what she wants to do I’m supportive of it.

We have very different figures, I’m more of an hour glass with a flat chest, large legs/bum whereas she’s got big chest and very slim everywhere else. I’ve always been ok with my body confidence, like any other young female I’m not 100% but I’m normally able to see the good parts and not get too worked up on my flaws as long as I’m working to change them.

However I’ve noticed since she started this weight loss thing I’ve lost my self confidence. I find it hard because she talks about fat she feels, and how she needs to lose weight off her stomach etc. It’s hard for me because I’m 1-2 sizes larger than her in bottoms/things that fit around the waist. I’ve not felt this bad about my body in a long time, I look in the mirror and hate what I see to the point it makes me cry and it’s getting to the point where it’s effecting my every day life. I am going to the gym and doing much better on my diet so I’m sure il be making progress but I just can’t to see it. I want to be supportive of my girlfriend but I don’t know how to be when I feel like this.

TL;DR - my girlfriend is trying to lose weight but she is already slimmer than me and it’s making me feel very uncomfortable in my own body

EDIT - I don’t want her to stop telling me how she is feeling or to stop trying to lose weight or anything! I just wanted to know if this is something I should talk to her about, or if it’s something I should address on my own. The last thing I want to do is negatively impact something she is doing to make herself feel good!

Submitted April 03, 2019 at 06:01AM by whosthis123
My [22F] girlfriend [21F] is trying to lose weight and it’s negatively impacting my own self confidence My [22F] girlfriend [21F] is trying to lose weight and it’s negatively impacting my own self confidence Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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