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My [20F] mom [46F] is going to die from cancer because she refuses treatment

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer a little over two years ago. It was caught really early on and the doctor said they could remove it with one surgery and no chemo. He said that it was close to a gland and that worried him, but that we were lucky to catch it when we did. Here's the problem: my mom is basically Christian scientist adjacent. She doesn't believe modern medicine helps anyone and has recently (in the last few years) become an anti-vaxxer. She basically only believes in homeopathy and prayer as legitimate treatments and does all of her "research" on Facebook. She doesn't even get check-ups to see if it's progressed or how fast it's progressing because her fake doctor told her not to. She just does weird homeopathic treatment like essential oils and sweat lodges.

Growing up, (I'm embarrassed to say) I believed all the same things she did because I didn't know any better. As soon as I was old enough to get on the internet without supervision I began to question her beliefs. She taught me that medicine made you sick so that pharmaceutical companies could get more money from you, and treating illness with medicine instead of just prayer was an insult to God because He would give you everything you need if you asked. I'm still Christian, but now my beliefs look nothing like hers.

I've tried talking with her a few times, but each time it ends with her crying and screaming that I don't support her and that she's done "years" of "research" on homeopathy and things of the like. She also says that she can't trust anything I have to say on the matter because I only know what my school wants to teach me (I'm a junior in college for microbiology). My grandmother has tried to get through to her, but she hasn't listened to anything she's had to say for decades. My brother is too afraid of conflict to say anything and honestly I don't know if he ever stopped believing what she taught us growing up.

Honestly, I've already prepared myself to just not have a mom anymore, but I figured maybe you guys could come up with a hail Mary idea on how to get through to her. I mean. I'm 19 and I'm independent, but I'm not ready to lose my mom. She's done some fucked up shit over the years, but I still love her. Lately she's been sick a lot and complaining about pains, but won't go to the doctor. I'm honestly terrified.

So, any ideas?

TL;DR My mom only believes in homeopathic treatment for her cancer and I can't get through to her. What can I do?

Submitted April 02, 2019 at 02:59PM by mmbahcat
My [20F] mom [46F] is going to die from cancer because she refuses treatment My [20F] mom [46F] is going to die from cancer because she refuses treatment Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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