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What is the purpose of marriage [ 25 M / 25 F / 2 years ]

TL;DR - Girlfriend had an epiphany and now wonders what is the purpose of marriage if we already do so much together. I believe there's an emotional aspect as well but I can't articulate my thoughts to her, looking for insight.

My girlfriend was discussing marriage with her friends, and started to wonder why we need to get married, what is the purpose in this day and age. She claims we already do everything that married couples do, live together, support each other, grow with each other, sex. She says we can also technically have kids and raise them without getting married. So why do we need to get married. Is it just the legalities of it or is there more.

I'm of course upset because after saying this she says we don't need to get married. This, by the way, is a couple of months after we started the marriage conversations and we discussed that we should get married ~2 years from now, so this "revelation" of hers is heart breaking. I'm trying to explain that marriage to me is about emotional togetherness. And yes, I agree, there are important legalities involved.Specifically for us, living together would be easier because we're from different countries and bringing her here (US) or me moving there (Malaysia) would be so much easier if we're married, so I'm not discounting the legal stuff, but I just can't seem to articulate what's i believe in marriage, because all the emotional things we technically already do, and can still do without getting married.

Im also aware it's a social and legal construct and it may just be that I believe couples need to get married because that's the next step, and she's just more "woke" than I.

Just looking for insight of others on this subreddit to understand what marriage means to you and whether you believe a relationship needs a marriage.


Submitted January 30, 2019 at 07:51AM by generalharsh
What is the purpose of marriage [ 25 M / 25 F / 2 years ] What is the purpose of marriage [ 25 M / 25 F / 2 years ] Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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