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My brother's family stole from me again and I have no clue on how to confront them.

I really need help here on how to approach or solve this. I am using my cellphone so I apologize in advance and also for the long post.

A little bit of background. I am the youngest of 5 siblings and only woman. I live in another state and sometimes I come around to visit my parents and stay for a couple of months. One of my brothers lives still in town so while I am visiting I see him and his family quite often. This time around I came a couple of days before my bday to celebrate with my family. When the celebration came we had just dinner and cake at my parents' and my boyfriend drove down here and brought me a present. It was a set of needles to make artistic jello since he knows I am very much into it and haven't been able to afford the Whole set with the 40 diff needles, so he made the effort to buy them for me along with a set of food coloring and a cake mold that came free with the needles. I was soooooo excited! I showed them around and explained what they were for. You need to know my brother's wife tends to be a little jealous. If you have something, she wants one too and so on. She was into making cakes, but like everything she does, it lasted months before she dropped it. She made a snarky comment that she would put that to better use than me since I have no time or "professional" training like her (I just had baby, hence the "no time") I brushed it off as just her being her and even offered to buy her a set of dyes once my economy was a little better and she actually agreed. Fast forward to last week and we all met here to go out to eat, my parents and I left before her and her kids since she was still "getting them ready" so she was alone for a good 30 minutes. Today I was packing my bags since I am leaving Saturday and I couldn't find my needles or dyes but I found the cake mold by it self (it was in a bag all together) and not where I left it and I knew then and there that they got stolen. I looked everywhere and even called my bf to ask if by any chance he took them home when he left, he didn't. My dad tried to help me find them but we both knew what really happened. The thing that pisses me off the most is that is not the damn first time they steal from me but this time it really hurt me, it was so obvious that even my mom offered to replace them but I declined since it is not fair to have her pay for them and clean up my brother wife's mess. The other couple of times they have stolen from it was money from my wallet or things from my room,even when I still lived here. My brother's kids have been found stealing money from my parents in a couple of occasions and we suspect my brother has done it too, he has absolutely no money problems, has a good job and definitely doing WAY better than me when it comes to money so I have no clue why would she do that. I have no clue as to what to tell him, I don't know if I should just flat out accuse his wife since I have no evidence that she did it even tho is obvious it was here. Should I just keep it quiet?! I am just incredibly hurt and sad because I really, really loved that gift that now can not even afford until God knows when and I was going to use that to start my business and get some money to help out my bf while I am on leave and of course now that is not an option. I am also tired of the constant disrespect and abuse when it comes to my things and me but I have no clue as to how can I approach the situation with out causing drama within my family and damage my relationship with my brother because at the end of the day, I do love him. Help please?

TL;DR: I am sure my bro's wife stole something from me, yet again and do not know how to confront the situation.

Submitted January 30, 2019 at 11:41PM by Abygahil
My brother's family stole from me again and I have no clue on how to confront them. My brother's family stole from me again and I have no clue on how to confront them. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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