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My (28M) Fiancé (26F) has this obsession that I do not think I can take any longer. Need advice on what to do.

This is clearly a throwaway account as my Fiancé is actively on Reddit as well. She doesn’t really come on this sub but I still just wanted to be sure.

I’ve been with my Fiancé for 6 years. We have lived together for 5 of these 6 years. Both of us well educated with post grad degrees and have what I would say a pretty healthy relationship.

We have lived abroad together, traveled together, been there through each of our ups and downs and have always supported each other’s dreams and decisions.

Just like any relationship we have our disagreements and lapses in communication. We talk through it and whole heartedly try our best to work and improve on being better to one another.

However.... my Fiancé since I’ve been with her has this really obsessive habit. And to be honest I’ve always had this issue with it and I’ve brought it up to her and she just laughs and says it’s not a big deal and that she needs to do this for various reasons I’ll list below.

But for some reason she has to ALWAYS sleep with a fan in our bedroom that’s turned on full blast no matter what time of the year it is. Now where we live it gets really cold in the winter time. We are talking about with windchill there’s times where it hits -40 degrees. She also can’t have the heat on pass a certain degree point as it makes her way too warm throughout the night.

But with an already frigid house temperature we live in due to her inability to handle the heat she has to also blast a fan while we sleep.

Her reasons are that the fan noise cancels out any of the white noise that may keep her up, and that she gets super warm throughout the night.

I for the love of it can’t stand it anymore. I wake up sometimes with a crazy sore throat, I’ve been prone to getting more colds through the winter time.

I’ve tried speaking to her on it and it’s the one thing in 6 years of being together that she won’t compromise.

What can I do??

TLDR: Fiancé of 6 years sleeps with the fan on full blast no matter what time of then year it is. Refuses to turn up the heat in our house as she needs a cold temperature to go to sleep as she gets very warm quickly.

Submitted January 30, 2019 at 06:46AM by Thisfaniskillingme
My (28M) Fiancé (26F) has this obsession that I do not think I can take any longer. Need advice on what to do. My (28M) Fiancé (26F) has this obsession that I do not think I can take any longer. Need advice on what to do. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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