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I've just been told that I [28f] unintentionally come across as very rude - now worrying I'm going to embarrass everyone when in public

I just spent 2 weeks with my long distance boyfriend [21m]. We've known eachother for ages (first few years as friends, then romantic past 2.5 years or so) but only been seeing eachother in person for about a year, and have now started discussing moving to live together by late 2019/early 2020, as we're from different EU countries (UK and Slovenia).
Obviously, I don't want his friends or family to dislike me so this issue really worries me.
We'd been going out for pizza, burgers, drinks, various tourist attractions etc. pretty frequently during our visits and this last visit he pointed out that I "treat people like peasants, like they're beneath me" because I come across as "extremely blunt" when buying stuff or ordering food... which pretty much blew my mind, I was completely unaware of it.

English is not my 1st language, while I'm fairly fluent (BA and an unfinished MA in English as a foreign language) there are cultural differences, references, idioms, etc that I do occasionally miss

I have anxiety issues, which usually makes me practice what I want to order/say in my head - but I do then occasionally kinda blurt it out or get really flustered.. I guess me trying to look friendly (smile/friendly facial expression) might make me look smug, too?

Also, in my family/with my friends, you basically just say hi and get to the point (though obviously still say stuff like "please/thank you" too)... Basically, it's not unusual to keep the exchange pretty short/direct.
I might be unintentionally transferring that to a culture where it comes across as rude? I've always been told off by family members (dad especially, who's a "just say what you want and get on with it" kinda person) for not being direct enough and for using too many words when ordering food etc so I feel like when I'm in a different country or with other people I don't even notice I maybe came across as rude until someone else points it out

As someone who always worries about stuff like "oh no, what if I came across as XYZ, I hope they didn't think I'm weird/rude" all the time I am absolutely mortified at the moment

How do I fix this? I can't have other people always order stuff for me and I tend to get so anxious I overthink/blurt stuff out as it is, nevermind now having this "you sound rude" in my head, too... Do I ask people to correct me when I sound too blunt to try and break the habit? I don't even notice when I do it... Should I ask other people if they get the same impression about me?

TL;DR: Been told I sound rude. It's not intentional at all and now I'm worried and don't know how to fix it. Recently started talking about moving to live with my partner and I'm scared I'm accidentally going to embarrass him and his family/friends when in public. Any advice?

Submitted January 31, 2019 at 03:13AM by ClumsyYeti
I've just been told that I [28f] unintentionally come across as very rude - now worrying I'm going to embarrass everyone when in public I've just been told that I [28f] unintentionally come across as very rude - now worrying I'm going to embarrass everyone when in public Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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