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I (20m) was in a relationship for 2.5 years until she passed away from cancer in 2017. I recently met someone who I like a lot, and I've asked her out. But since then lots of complicated feelings have cropped up and I'm feeling really confused

For 2.5 years I was with a great girl from London. I moved over to the UK for university and so I could be closer to her. She became increasingly sick during my first few months there and we discovered she had ovarian cancer. She was admitted into hospital at the start of March and she passed away a month later in hospital.

I was a complete wreck. I sat my uni exams in May which finished two days before her funeral. I failed them all and was offered to be able to take a year out of college. I attempted to hang myself when I got home from her funeral but I ultimately failed. I spent the summer alone in my bedroom, crying and not being able to get out of bed. Honestly it was complete hell.

I don't know how, but somehow I'm still here today. I dropped out of med school and lost all my friends, but I'm starting university again in September, so I'm looking forward to that again.

In July of this year, I met a girl, and we became good friends. We started talking a lot and I got feelings for her. She's incredibly smart, she has a great sense of humour, and we seem really compatible. She's been through some pretty tough times too and I feel we've helped each other a lot through them.

In December, I called up my late girlfriend's best friend, and told her I had met someone and I wanted her opinion on the whole thing. She told me to go for it and ask her out, that my late girlfriend would be over the moon to know I've met someone and that she would want me to be happy. I shed a lot of tears, but I asked out this girl and she said yes.

The trouble is, the last few days I've been missing my late girlfriend a lot. I don't know what's triggered it, but I find myself crying at night, dreaming of her again and just missing her a lot in general. I don't really know how to bring this up with my current girlfriend, and I feel really guilty, both for still missing my late girlfriend, and to her for finding a new person. I just don't know how to balance this all. Any advice would be appreciated. I really like her and want to be with her, but I'm just feeling really guilty about it all.

TL;DR: With a girl for 2 and a half years before she passed away. Recently met someone I really really like and have asked her out. Feeling guilty a lot and very conflicted and don't know how to handle it all.

Submitted January 29, 2019 at 06:39PM by failing12345
I (20m) was in a relationship for 2.5 years until she passed away from cancer in 2017. I recently met someone who I like a lot, and I've asked her out. But since then lots of complicated feelings have cropped up and I'm feeling really confused I (20m) was in a relationship for 2.5 years until she passed away from cancer in 2017. I recently met someone who I like a lot, and I've asked her out. But since then lots of complicated feelings have cropped up and I'm feeling really confused Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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