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My [M27] fiancee [F31] is the most miserable person I know, and is always the victim

I'm just so tired of this. Everyday she hates her life, she's stressed, she hates her job. After 3 years of begging she has her first therapy appointment today. I think I'm done though. I'm so tired and I cant wait for her to work on herself.

We have no sex life. Before, it was work stress, then it was low libido, now it's chronic pain. I'm 27. I want to have sex with a partner. I want intimacy. She could care less.

Then there's the expectation that I have to be understanding about whatever bs is going on in her life. Yesterday I went to pick her up from work during a snow storm, and she snapped at me for that. Fine, i wont do nice things. Then we are home and I reheat myself pizza, and she says she wants half after it's done. No. Then she says I'm rude and starts snapping at me, she has had such a tough day blah blah blah. I ground ( for the first time in forever) and say no. I heated this up for myself, if you'd like some - make some yourself.

Then there's the fact we can't drink. I told her if she drinks I'm out. She loses her shit when she drinks because she can't have just one, and she gets skittish and weird. On new years she had a full on breakdown since we got kicked out of a bar because she biffed it on the floor. She spent midnight in the bathtub in her own vomit. I cried quietly with my champagne and flutes given to us for our engagement.

Everything is negative with her. We moved this weekend to a way nicer place. My friends came and helped. There was no expectation on her to help. It was still "awful and the worst". My parents come up and she has anxiety over it and I tell her just to stay home.

She has a lot of bad runs with luck, but my fucking god she refuses to be happy about anything. She now hates our apartment and flipped out because the tub does nt can't take a bath. She started ranting on the landlord maliciously renting us an apt without mentioning the tub can't plug. I closed the door and left.

Speaking of the bath she uses all the hot water in 45 min long showers, then when I complain I have to shower cold before work , she says she has chronic joint pain and her week has been worse and maybe the shitty landlord should have a better HW tank.

She has no life. Her life is work, Netflix, and weed. The only time she hasn't been stoned in the last 7 years has been when she works. She blames me for not doing anything else because I won't let her drink. Then she says life is too hard and she's to tired and she deserves to have the tv and weed all weekend because her week is tough.

I have had my own fair of shit. When we were younger I wasn't easy to date because of my anxiety. I got through it. I got better. She just gets worse. She's so miserable all fucking weeks. I can't be happy around her it drains me.

Should I wait for this first session or am I right in thinking she has years of recoup ahead of her (I'm not willing to wait)

Tl;dr: my fiancee is a professional victim with cloud of negativity that finds a way to make everything in life seem awful. She starts therapy today. I think I'm already burnt out and over it.

Submitted January 30, 2019 at 05:27AM by popcorn_dot_GIF
My [M27] fiancee [F31] is the most miserable person I know, and is always the victim My [M27] fiancee [F31] is the most miserable person I know, and is always the victim Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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