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My (22m) friend (22f) shares everyone's transcripts and personal info that she has access to through her student job. Should I report her?

The title basically says it all. She's not really a friend because she's low key very annoying, but we're on friendly terms. She works in the fellowships office and has access to everyone's transcripts and the essays that they've written to apply for things.

I know I need to say something about it, but I don't think I can do it directly. I applied for a very competitive fellowship and in the essay I talked about how I was homeless in high school. I don't advertise this to many people and only a few very close friends know, but I know she has access to it. I would just tell her directly that this is super messed up, but I know she would look at my stuff if I did and likely tell more people than I'm comfortable with knowing right now. I'm comfortable with that part of my past, but it's not something I need to shout to the hilltops right now.

I have a draft of an email to the head of the office who I'm very friendly with and knows my situation, but I feel a little gross about doing it behind her back. Should I send it anyway? I'll probably tell her it was me after this is resolved. Like she's told me the GPAs of friends (which is kind of a taboo thing to talk about at my school for whatever reason) and the details of the essays that friends have written. It's a huge invasion of privacy.

**TLDR: This girl I know has access to everyone's transcripts and essays and tells everyone about them. Should I report it anonymously to avoid a very personal trauma becoming public knowledge?**

Submitted January 30, 2019 at 12:40PM by throwthatstuffoutboi
My (22m) friend (22f) shares everyone's transcripts and personal info that she has access to through her student job. Should I report her? My (22m) friend (22f) shares everyone's transcripts and personal info that she has access to through her student job. Should I report her? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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