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Should I (28F) stay with depressed boyfriend (30M)?

**TL;DR;** : BF with severe depression thinking about ex. Should I leave?

Long story short, my boyfriend of 7+ years has severe severe depression. He had a mental breakdown about 5 months ago, to the point that he was crying 12+ hours a day for months and sleeping anywhere between 1-3 hours/night. I finally convinced him to get on medication (now he's been on for 4 x months) but it's seeming like it's not quite the right fit - he's still having extreme depressed thoughts and I'm really having trouble motivating him to get on different medication, stop smoking pot, stop drinking wine, start exercising and start learning about the disease (these are obvious things that would help out immediately).

I love this kid to death and he means the world to me but a main problem is that he has been constantly thinking about his ex girlfriend from 12 years ago for 5 months straight. It's obviously delusional thoughts considering the situation (and the fact that she's pregnant and engaged to another man) and they haven't spoken or seen each other in years, but he is feeling so confused about everything in his life right now. We've tried couples therapy and it's seemed to have worked really well at first, but then he finds himself back in a hole thinking about her again. He's been quite manic depressive as well - one minute he loves me and can't be apart from me, the next he's crying saying he's so unhappy and confused & thinking about her again. On his good days, he's so wonderful and I just fantasize about having a future together similar to our old days, but even better. Just right now he's in a dark, dark place. Last night he said he can't promise me this won't keep happening and then this morning, after he was up crying all night, he told me he wasn't as in love with me as he used to be and was so unsure about our future - is that just the depression talking though?? He just cried to me saying how confused he was about everything in his life.

I'm not sure if I should stick around anymore and keep putting myself through this rollercoaster ride or stay supportive of my depressed boyfriend, whom I can only hope will turn things around one day. I'm just feeling like a rag doll right now and it's affecting every aspect of my life. Please only comment if you've had experience with extreme depression because this is of course a very sensitive issue and not something that's easy to walk away from. I just don't know when to say "enough is enough". Does he even want to be with me anymore?

Submitted January 30, 2019 at 11:02AM by whattodowithmylife17
Should I (28F) stay with depressed boyfriend (30M)? Should I (28F) stay with depressed boyfriend (30M)? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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