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How do I [28m] convince my girlfriend [25f] that her appearance doesn't bother me?

My girlfriend and I met about 10 months ago at a local event at which we both volunteered. She's under 4'11 and looks significantly younger than she is, having the appearance of a young teen and hasn't looked different physically for years. When we first met I mistook her for one of the youth volunteers until she started talking to me and I realized she was close to my age. She had just moved to town a few months prior and was understandably having a hard time finding friends among people her age and we had a great conversation, so I gave her my number and we started hanging out.

I came to find that she's an incredibly kindhearted woman with one of the brightest minds I have ever encountered. She moved down here to pursue a career in social work, and she's struggled all her life to be treated equally to her peers and had to overcome a lot based on her appearance. When she told me she was interested in me, I was very worried about how people would look at us and I told her so. She became very emotional and asked if she should be expected not to date because of how others think and that she's still an adult, and I realized that she was totally right. We started casually dating but very quickly made it official and haven't looked back since. I've seen her photo albums, met her parents, seen her birth certificate. The woman is 25, there's zero doubt.

I've had the cops called on me twice in the past ten months from people thinking I was behaving inappropriately with a minor. I've had other men threaten me until she cleared the situation up. I've been called names, treated with suspicion, parents who have seen us together whisper when I go to pick my niece up from her school some days. My girlfriend feels like shit and blames herself, saying I shouldn't have to deal with this because of her. She has anxiety and feels unwelcome and undeserving and doesn't often want to go out anymore.

I love this woman. I have never been happier than I am with her. She's so incredibly uplifting to be around, she's caring and bubbly and just a genuinely good person. I can see a very long future with her. I didn't get with her for any nefarious reason. My last girlfriend was 32 and looked it, this is just the way it worked out. I refuse to believe that this woman shouldn't ever be allowed to date because of her appearance. How do I prove to her that I don't give a shit what other people think and make her feel valued so she knows I'm not going anywhere? And do you have any tips to better help her socialize so people will get to know us and stop assuming the worst?

TL;DR Girlfriend has genetic issues that lead to a very short stature and a youthful appearance which leads to people judging our relationship very harshly. How do I make her feel valued and help ease peoples suspicions?

Submitted January 31, 2019 at 01:47PM by Throwaway363924
How do I [28m] convince my girlfriend [25f] that her appearance doesn't bother me? How do I [28m] convince my girlfriend [25f] that her appearance doesn't bother me? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 31, 2019 Rating: 5

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