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My [F24] BF's [M25, together 3 years] childhood best-friends [M25ishx2] accused me of cheating on him and I have no idea how to proceed

We have been together for about three years, living together for the past year, and have been close friends for almost six years now. I have known his friends as long as I have known him, and I really thought they liked me. Let's call my boyfriend Jim.

SO! On the night in question, Jim's friends (let's call them Bob and Henry) and Henry's GF (Sally) came over to our apartment. Bob had an early morning flight and we live close to the airport, so the plan was for Bob, Henry, and Jim to play games and hang out while I took Sally out with my friends. This way they got some boy bonding time (because they live on opposite sides of the country) and I got to spend time with Sally, who has had a lot of trouble fitting in with their friend-group. I know this and try very hard to make her always feel included and stand up to people who make comments about her and Henry's relationship (the general consensus is that she is "crazy," which I don't think is fair). I'm not sure that she realizes how hard I try to make her comfortable, but Henry does and has thanked me for it many times.

So on Saturday, they all arrive at our apartment and we go get dinner. We come back, and the girls split up to go downtown. We were only planning on going to one bar, but Sally was having so much fun she asked us to stay out longer. Cool, I'm down. We ended up back and forth between two bars because Sally got drunk and lost her phone. Once found, I offer to get us back home and she says "No, this is so much fun! One more dance!" Finally, one of my other friend's has had way too much to drink so I say it is time to go. The only weird thing that happened the whole time we were out (besides the phone lost and found situation) was Sally kept asking me "Is everything okay? What's wrong?" and I just kept smiling and saying nothing, because everything was fine. No idea where that came from, my other friends also thought that was bizarre because I was literally smiling and dancing. I also did get briefly separated from my group when they went to get a drink, but I found them. Very uneventful except for the phone situation.

We get back home, and Sally tells me that she wants to go outside to smoke a cig. (I don't smoke.) I go inside and let the boys know we are okay. She is gone a really long time, so Bob and Henry go to find her. When they get out there, they text Jim and tell them that he needs to come outside.

At this point, they tell him that Sally saw me texting an ex-boyfriend and that I disappeared for a while and she didn't know where I went. Apparently, she said she felt very "uncomfortable" and didn't know if she should tell them. Bob, Henry, and Sally then immediately leave to avoid the "situation."

BF comes upstairs to where I am and tells me what they have said. I immediately pull out my phone and show him all of my texts that day, noting that I only texted him, my girlfriends, and my grandfather. He doesn't ask me to show him, I just volunteered because I was just flabbergasted that anyone would think I would do that (he is seriously the love of my life). Jim calls Bob and Henry to make sure they know none of this was true.

The next day, Henry has now said to Jim that Sally was actually "incoherently and drunkenly mumbling" and that he and Bob jumped to conclusions for no reason and that they were sorry. Neither has apologized to me. I have spoken to Bob but not Henry as of now.

I have no idea what to think or do or say. I am devastated either way. It hurts to think that they planted this seed of doubt in my relationship for no reason, and I am heartbroken to think that Sally might actually be as problematic as all their other friends say. I am just really at a loss as to what to do. It is now Monday and the events transpired very late Saturday evening. I have spoken to Bob to ask for clarification, and at the time he seemed to think that Sally was at the root of all the problems. He referred to what she said as "serious accusations" so Henry's new explanation does not make sense to me. I don't want to ruin their friend-group, but I have some very serious concerns about everything that transpired.

My boyfriend and I are fine and he knows I wasn't cheating. I am worried however that this will pop up at the back of his mind someday. Once someone says something like this, I know how hard it is to get rid of it :(

TLDR: MY BF had two visiting childhood friends. One of their girlfriends may have said some things or maybe she didn't, but they all accused me of cheating on my boyfriend when I absolutely was not. I am very hurt and have no idea how to proceed.

Edited to have names instead of F1, F2, and F2GF

Small Update: I talked to Bob and he confirmed that Sally was not incoherently mumbling but rather had a very coherent narrative regarding the ex that I supposedly texted all night. So Henry is definitely trying to cover for Sally. I have a feeling this is a similar thing that happened with the other friends she alienated.

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 10:19AM by lawstakovich
My [F24] BF's [M25, together 3 years] childhood best-friends [M25ishx2] accused me of cheating on him and I have no idea how to proceed My [F24] BF's [M25, together 3 years] childhood best-friends [M25ishx2] accused me of cheating on him and I have no idea how to proceed Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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