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My dad (56M) is furious I'm (23M) leaving my job for one that pays more for less hours/effort

So I currently work almost 40 hours a week at a job I absolutely despise. Right before the year ended, I realized that I want to go to university and pursue higher education because I really don't want to be working retail for the rest of my life. I would have gone earlier, but had no idea what I wanted to do and also suffered from anxiety/depression for a quite a while. The problem is that this job I have right now isn't flexible and impossible to hold onto while at university. Not to mention that I don't want to work 40 (5 days a week) hours a week, just to attend 40 hours of classes + study. I really want to get good grades and it's not going to happen if I'm stretched completely thin.

Not to mention that this current job I'm at is wearing down on me physically, mentally and emotionally: * I'm constantly being relied on far too much and given an extra work load for no benefit on my own because 99% of the people there don't work hard, don't show up and can't be fired (because they're desperate and need people) * I can't speak up about it or ask for a lighter load because the regional manager has already threatened people's jobs for working too slow * Due to the repetitive nature of the job, I'm already developing wrist and knee problems * The place is cloaked in dust and giving me severe allergy problems * There's no air conditioning and we're still expected to work hard, even during severe heatwaves * Constant micromanagement from a new manager that's pushing a lot of people to look for another job as wel

So this pushed me to find another job, which luckily, I landed and in 3 weeks time will start. The job pays far better and even though I'll be working less hours than I am now, I'll basically earn the same amount (and I don't spend much money, so when I earn less, I'll be fine), with the extra benefit of it being 5 minutes away from where I live and for far less effort. When I told my parents, my mother was completely fine with it because she knows I hate it there and need the extra time, however my father had the complete opposite reaction. Even though I explained that the pay, conditions, hours and free-time will be much better for me, he claims I NEED to be working 40 hours a week, otherwise I'm "being lazy" and that "everyone needs to be working 40 hours a week, otherwise they're lazy" (he works 50+ hours a week and only gets one day off a week). In his mind, all I'll be doing is sitting at home playing video games and "not contributing to society", even though I'll barely have time to play games no and in the future.

What's the best way to approach this issue? Keep in mind that "move out" is NOT helpful advice and that I know I won't be getting kicked out or anything for this either. I also do want to point out that we don't have financial problems either, so that isn't the cause either.

TL;DR - My dad has a problem with me working a job that I'll generally be getting paid more for all while I work less hours and have less stress.

EDIT: Now my mother is on his side and thinks I should turn down the new job? She thinks that I "need to be a man" and work the long hours. How toxic.

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 08:58PM by Solis_C
My dad (56M) is furious I'm (23M) leaving my job for one that pays more for less hours/effort My dad (56M) is furious I'm (23M) leaving my job for one that pays more for less hours/effort Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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