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My (30f) boyfriend (28m) just changed/possibly cancelled his NYE plans with me. I feel totally salty about this, almost debating whether or not to break up with him.

Update: I broke up with him. It's done and over with. Looking forward to better and new experiences in this new year. Thanks for all your advice everyone!

Due to our busy work schedules and the fact that we live in different cities an hour away, I haven't seen my boyfriend in about 3 weeks now. We talk/text every day tho so it works out for us. We don't celebrate Christmas (we're both middle eastern/different religion) but I still wanted to spend the holiday with him but we didn't get a chance to, however I let it go and didn't make a huge deal about it. A few days ago we decided that we would hang out for NYE, go see the fireworks display in his city and i would sleep over at his place (he lives with his parents).

Today, he's at work and he texts me that his mom wants him to pick her up in a different city where she's visiting relatives, which is about 2/3 hours away. I asked him if we were even going to be seeing each other then? Because I'm not sure if he'll be able to go get her and be back at a reasonable time. He says he should be back and he doesn't see why we wouldn't be able to see each other.

Then a hour later (approx 1pm) he texts me that now his mom is saying that they might as well stay the night at their relatives where he's supposed to be picking her up at. I'm beyond pissed at this point. Here's how our text convo went:

Bf: my mom is saying we might as well stay in (city name) for the night Me: hmm ok Bf: what are you gonna do? Me: I'll probably go hang out Bf: with whom? Me: maybe my bestie or I might go to a bar. Idk yet Bf: hmm bar huh Me: yeah since you just cancelled on me Bf: I didn't cancel on you Me: ok Bf: my mom said maybe lol; like 15% chance

About 2 hours later: Me: what time do you think you'll be back? Bf: I just got here lol not sure babe Me: K, have fun Bf: no we're leaving in a hour or 2

Didn't text him after that. I'm kinda frustrated because I feel like he doesn't make me a priority. Like he's quick to drop plans with me even tho he knows I've been looking forward to seeing him and spending at least 1 day together. I don't even want to see him even if he does happen to be back on time. This isn't the first time he's pulled something like this. Am I wrong to consider breaking things off with him? Like why even make plans and get my hopes up if you're just going to crush them?

TLDR: Bf and I have been making plans for the past few days to spend NYE together. Today he tells me that he might not be able to see me because he has to pick up his mom in a different city 2 or 3 hours away; complete disregard for me and our plans together. I don't even feel like a priority to him. Thinking about ending it. Am I overreacting?

Submitted December 31, 2018 at 05:49PM by minimalist_rina
My (30f) boyfriend (28m) just changed/possibly cancelled his NYE plans with me. I feel totally salty about this, almost debating whether or not to break up with him. My (30f) boyfriend (28m) just changed/possibly cancelled his NYE plans with me. I feel totally salty about this, almost debating whether or not to break up with him. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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