I have been wanting to talk about this for quite some time but needed more experience so that I could be sure that my concept was one hundred percent correct. If you've read my other posts, I've explained numerous times that I often study concepts that interest me before ever talking on them.
I don't read through Reddit much but from what I've seen in general throughout the internet is the quest that many people have in order to become successful. If you search the words "How to make passive" income on google you'll find many relating search queries following the lines of "How can I make money without doing anything." We can clearly see that there is a great need that people hold to make money independently.
Before you start on me, this isn't one of those basic posts. We all know that making money is difficult, this has been said a dozen times and doesn't need to be repeated. However... there is a specific law that ALL entrepreneurs follow. As I said above, I studied this to make sure that my point was absolutely sound before sharing it with others. There is one thing that every single entrepreneur and every single individual who is successful does that is oddly never spoken about and for very good reason.
What exactly is this thing you may ask? They don't follow the crowd.
Again, I know you're probably thinking that you've heard this before but let me explain, it's rather interesting.
Lets say many years ago when I was quite young, I had a desire to make video games. Now at this time, I didn't know how to program, draw, manage or do anything. I merely had the ideas and excitement to create something. This led me to download a game creation software known as RPG Maker. For those who don't know, RPG Maker is a very simple game creation program that allows anyone to be able to make a 2D Pokemon-like video game. It comes with assets, music and systems all free for use in whatever project you choose to use it on.
I made several terrible games with this program and uploaded them to several sites. Following this, I then joined some facebook groups with other "like minded" individuals all using the same system. This is where the problem starts.
Being in this group, I ended up feeling somewhat unimportant as there were many other people, some vastly older with incredible programming skills making all sorts of fancy games with incredible artistic style whilst I just had the basic program. There were people always available to answer your questions and occasionally we'd get a post from the top tier developers who were treated like royalty. I specifically have this one memory of the most famous developer who was in the group. He was in the process of posting his game on Steam and had come to essentially have people say good things about his project. He always held some sort of arrogance(this is not a negative description) due to the fact that people looked up to him like he was some sort of king and rightly so due to the status he was granted. For all intents and purposes, he had released his games on steam, had his own website, "company" and even got a publisher for his second game. Compared to the rest of us making terrible games for free, he was in a high position.
I eventually gave up on that idea and moved on to other things. If you read my previous posts, you'll know the rest of the story. Now the thing is, I actually found another way to make profit creating games on other systems. As harsh as it may seem, the profit gained from one of my games in a month is arguably higher than the total profit gained from all the games sold in that group. Years later not realising that I was still in those groups I took the time to have a quick glance through them.
This is the specific part that this whole post is about. Have you ever wondered why people in "higher" positions never comment nor reply to posts? Ignoring the story told above, think of all those Reddit posts and online questions. Entrepreneur subreddits, seduction questions etc etc.
You see people asking the question "How can I become a millionaire?" or "How can I grow my youtube channel?"
Why is it never actual millionaires and actual youtubers who respond?
The common answer people always give is that those types of people are busy. That isn't true, they are "busier" but not so busy that they wouldn't be able to spend 5 minutes answering a quick question on a group dedicated to the same thing they have done or accomplished.
After visiting the group myself and holding a different perspective I finally understood WHY those people never responded.
The reason was that all those people who are asking those questions in the first place have a certain mindset that I will call the group mindset. They genuinely believe that being part of a community will allow them to reach their goals. I can't hit it hard enough how this is false. It may have happened on some few occasions but it is very very rare. You see, when you enter a group or group situation you introduce yourself to a hierarchy. Within this hierarchy there are people who are better than you, more skilled than you and generally better than you overall. Now everyone in this group is on the same path to the same destination and that is where the problem lies.
Imagine you are part of a big group. The goal of the group is to climb a mountain. Everybody has to start at the bottom. There are a few people who have climbed quite the distance and so they are able to shout down directions to the people below.
Being at the bottom, you have a huge range of resources. There are people beside you to help you climb, extra aid and of course the people who are slightly higher than you giving you all the direction. At the very top of this mountain are the people who have actually made it. As said before, the people at the top of the mountain will look down but not say anything. You may be shouting at them asking how you can reach their position but they never respond, they just look. The real way to reaching their position would be to get off the mountain all together and find another one that no one else has climbed.
Do you think Pewdiepie and other big youtubers bought a Udemy course on how to grow their youtube channels?
Do you think Mark Zuckerberg joined an online group for people who want to make the biggest social network?
Do you think Richard Branson and Bill Gates joined a facebook support group for like minded people developing something big?
The answer is no and this applies to every successful person in life. The people who are successful and have achieved something really big did so because they stepped away from the crowd and found a different way ALONE. It HAS to be done alone.
One of the things that irritates me the most are conferences. They are the best example of why you shouldn't follow the crowd. The minimum price for a Tony Robbins event is $1000/2000. People pay that amount of money because they know that they are now part of the exclusive group that will get to hear Tony speak. This gives them the hope that they will leave the place with the knowledge to gain more money or live a better life.
The same thing happens with RSD bootcamps. People pay $2000 so that they can spend a week/weekend with an RSD instructor in the hopes that they can turn themselves into a warlord who sleeps with a thousand girls a day.
The strange thing about this is that it never works. The people who go to these events end up leaving the exact same way that they came in.
A pickup guy once clearly explained this stating that conferences and bootcamps give people a "feel good" feeling. They pump you up and motivate you to the point that you feel like you could make a billion dollars on the spot. This is how you justify spending that amount of money. That way when the motivation dies down and it doesn't work, you can simply justify it by blaming yourself. Then to follow this up, you end up booking another event to repeat the process.
It is a simple concept. Conferences like the events that claim to show you how to make a million dollars simply cannot work because if they did, why would anyone go a second time?
Another statement I heard and I'm quite sure I've told this before but it was the story of a guy who went to his first conference. Before the event had started everyone was sat in their seats, notebooks out, Starbucks coffee and recorder ready and waiting for the speaker to come inside. The guy ended up slipping to the lobby in search of a quick drink. Whilst there he met a man relaxing on a couch drinking and just generally having a relaxed time. After talking, he found out that the guy was also attending the conference but didn't see any need to rush. According to the storyteller, the relaxed guy ended up making near a million (most likely beyond that amount now) a year later.
He coined it down to the reasons I explained above. All those people who were sat down, prepared and ready for the speaker didn't come there with their own minds and submitted to the hierarchy. They will do the same thing again only to receive the same results.
Once again let me clarify this so that there are no confusions.
I am not saying you cannot work with others or in a team.
I am saying that you should not JOIN a group where everyone has the same individual goal.
As in, do not join a youtube group where everyone is trying to gain 1 million subscribers. It genuinely will not work out.
Yesterday I was discussing with a friend of mine who currently does dropshipping work. He lives in a huge mansion down in south america and has started an event where he invites people who want to make money online to come and live with him free of charge just to all stay in an environment of likeminded individuals. I was invited but if you've read above you'll already know what my view on that is.
The idea sounds great in concept. I'd be living with him, his students and other like-minded people in a mansion all trying to make money online. However like I said, don't follow the crowd. If there is anything I can promise, it is that working and developing your own thing by yourself will always be more rewarding and successful. In doing so, you are climbing your own mountain and when you reach the top people will start to move to your mountain and start creating facebook support groups with guides on how to get to your level.
If you work alone, people WILL think you are stupid. I was discussing this with my sister the other day about the days when I was starting out. I used to brag that I'd be able to earn $100 per month if I worked hard enough. As silly as it sounded they all laughed. Now I have enough money to buy a small mansion.
Live below your means while you accumulate wealth. I drive a terrible car. I paid for it in cash at the age of 17 and it cost me £1000? Or maybe less. I'm in absolutely no rush to change it. I rarely drive and mostly travel from here to there. Once my degree is finished, I can move forth from there.
Find a job whilst you work on your side thing. This is what the online gurus always skip out. Listen, you need money. You get money by getting a job.
Don't follow the crowd mate.
Submitted July 28, 2018 at 05:28PM by Lendoran https://ift.tt/2K2ROKx
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