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My parents get mad at me (19 M) for staying up late to do school work when its the only quiet time I get.

I currently live with my parents, go to university, and have a job. I wake up, go to Uni and immediately go to work. I usually get home at around 9 to 10 P.M. In my family I'm known to be the quietest. Both my parents and both of my siblings tend to be loud during the day and night and being the youngest they constantly need things from me. From either doing the dishes, doing their laundry for them or other mundane tasks that they are perfectly capable of doing themselves. This may come off as lazy but when every chore is done and I try to do work but I'm still constantly being called to do something that can be easily done by them it can be annoying.

My father, being at the age he is and a chronic smoker, he turns the TV up loud at night and snores like a mofo. Combined with the fact my room is next to the laundry room, studying and doing homework isn't the best and can be frustrating for me.

So I've been studying late at night when everyone is asleep. I wear earbuds, play quiet music, and do my work. I try to do everything as quiet as I can. However, throughout the night my parents wake up to either use the restroom or grab water. If they even notice a slight glimmer of light or noise from my room they open my door and begin telling me to go to sleep. I tell them I'm doing my work and they begin to get even more mad at me for not doing it earlier in the day.

I honestly don't know what to tell my parents. I understand that since im living under their roof I have to follow their rules but it has really began to frustrate me and hurt my performance in university.

tl;dr: Night is the only peaceful time in the house, parents get mad for staying up to do school work.

Submitted December 11, 2021 at 04:24AM by No-Carpet5764
My parents get mad at me (19 M) for staying up late to do school work when its the only quiet time I get. My parents get mad at me (19 M) for staying up late to do school work when its the only quiet time I get. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 11, 2021 Rating: 5

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