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Found out my (26/M) cheating ex (25/F) has kept falsely accusing me of assault multiple times over the last 1.5yrs since I dumped her. We both work for our university, what to do?

I (now 26/M) started dating this girl (now 25/F) towards the middle of 2017, dated for a bit short of 3 years. In the end of 2019 we moved abroad together for our studies. 2 months after being here, she cheated on me, went on dates and kissed a guy from Tinder. I was extremely stupid and forgave it. We started to reconcile. She still didn't have a job, her saved up money was running out, so she asked me to finance her half of rent/groceries, to which I - stupidly again - agreed.

At around April/May 2020, I found out she slept with 2 more guys, when she knew that she got found out she hesitantly confessed, I told her we're through for good, but for some reason she was the one more upset at me, calling names, demeaning me etc. After that I did call her names as well, which sent her into a rage and she flat out assaulted me.

She scratched up my face, arm, back of my neck and punched me in the eye repeatedly, so much so that I got a slight black eye from it. I didn't even defend myself, because I knew she would probably cry abuse on my part if I did.

I told her to repay me her debt, then cut every contact. Cue about 6 months of texts/calls/emails/messenger and instagram dms how I'm her soulmate, love of her life, how she wants me back more than anything etc. Of course she was still banging the affair partners (which was her business as we weren't together anymore, but still really showed her character). I ignored every single attempt at her contacting me since then that didn't have to do with settling the finances between us.

About two months after I dumped her, she falsely told two girls that I knew that they shouldn't be friends with me, because I'm dangerous, according to her I beat her up so bad, that she was hospitalized. Her saying this was corroborated by a third person that was present at the gathering this happened at, who is completely separate from these two girls. I believe she did this in an attempt to keep these girls away from me, as one of them had quite the liking for me as I found out a couple weeks later.

This was the only time I reached out to her, saying that if she ever falsely accuses me of abuse again, I'll have to seek legal action to protect myself. She of course denied everything, bringing out every single excuse: she was drunk, maybe these girls are lying, etc. I didn't buy any of it.

She also showed up to my dorm room once at around 5AM, banging on the window for a solid 20 minutes, calling me, texting me how destroyed she is, before my neighbor kindly told her to fuck off. I did not reply or open the door, because I knew if she gets in she wouldn't leave.

There are so many more shitty things she did, but I don't want to make this longer than it already is.

Anyways, both of us "volunteer" (technically are employed) for our university as group leaders at events organized for new students at each semester start. This meant I saw her occasionally, but I didn't have to interact with her, to me she was a stranger again. Fast forward to this late October, me and a friend went to have some beers at one of the university bars. She's there with two other group leaders that I'm on friendly terms with. Me and my bud sat down, drank our beer, had fun, minded our business then she and one of the guys stepped out for a smoke, while the other guy came over to our table with a sigh and rolling his eyes saying "listening to her talking can be tiresome".

Turns out she said to the two guys that I hit her with a book, and after I hit her I told her I did it "because I can, since I'm stronger than her". I asked him if he believed her, to which he replied he doesn't know, and doesn't want to jump to conclusions. There were other lies as well that she told, I couldn't care less to be honest, but apparently she's still falsely accusing me of hitting her 1.5yrs after I dumped her. When she came back and saw the guy sitting at my table, she gave a cold stare to us.

Technically we're both employees of the university, should I report this to the appropriate people? Do I also tell about her assaulting and harrassing me? (I have pictures of my injuries and a sound recording of her pretty much admitting to it - I saved these after the first round of allegations) I'm graduating in around 5 months.

The reason I'm worried is that allegations like this - even though they are false - could have a negative impact on my education and my actual job at a pretty well-known tech company. A few students from the uni work at my company. She did this a year and a half ago, still is doing it now, probably kept doing it in between, there's no telling how many people she's told this or the extend of the damage to my reputation. Not sure why she's STILL doing this (revenge? bitterness?), if she wants to lie about our relationship to put herself in a better light - be my guest, I don't care as long as it's not false assault claims - but I want nothing to do with her and just want to live my life without her and her allegations of me hitting her. After she (suprisingly) repayed her debt, I blocked her everywhere, she has no means to contact me.

TL;DR: Dumped serial cheating ex-gf 1.5yrs ago, shortly after that she falsely claimed to some girls I assaulted her (most likely to keep said girls away from me). About a month ago found out she's still falsely accusing me of hitting her, but the extend of her lies are less serious (no claimed hospitalization from my alleged assault this time). We both work for our university, do I report this at the uni? Graduating in 5 months

Submitted December 02, 2021 at 08:07AM by ta244587147
Found out my (26/M) cheating ex (25/F) has kept falsely accusing me of assault multiple times over the last 1.5yrs since I dumped her. We both work for our university, what to do? Found out my (26/M) cheating ex (25/F) has kept falsely accusing me of assault multiple times over the last 1.5yrs since I dumped her. We both work for our university, what to do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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