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My (22M) girlfriend (20F) didn't like how I reacted to her silent treatment

GF of a year out of nowhere gave me the cold shoulder, she's usually happy to see me and talkative but that day she was quite and cold, I'm not a talkative person so I just left her alone and gave her space. Later that day still not seeing any change I decide to ask her what's up, which was something I didn't do at a time like this in the past. I learned from my mistake and asked her what's up. She straight up told me she didn't want to talk. I felt like she could've just told me that from the jump instead of giving me the silent treatment. But I said "fine no problem if it's just that, I thought I did something".

I felt there was more to it than just "I don't want to talk" but I left it at that. Naturally I became distant as well. Next day we're texting, everything seems normal but having ended on a bad note I'm still distant. The following days, things still haven't gotten any better she decides to ask me if I was mad at her. I said no. Which was true cause I didn't really have a reason to be mad, she has the right to not want to talk. But the lack of communication.. We then had an argument about the tension that was in the air and she alluded to how I could've handled the situation better. I told her, she could've have avoided all of this if she told me beforehand that she wasn't in the mood to talk etc...

Today, tension really high she hints that the fact that I should've tried harder cause if the roles were reversed she would've insisted to find out more, annoyed me, given me hugs and kisses... also I should've asked her if she felt better the day after the initial event. I asked her why as her boyfriend I should have to almost baby her for her open up to me. And that now's not the time for that, If I'm waiting to have a conversation and she's waiting for hugs and kisses we'll never be able to work things out. She called me apathetic for being indifferent towards her, said a relationship won't work like this, a friend can be treated like this but not a girlfriend, and this all started because I became distant afterwards. The whole thing ended with us agreeing not talk until we sat down and talked in person. Throughout the whole relationship she's shown to not be able say what's on her mind openly.

We're seeing each other today, how do I get my point across to her?

Tl;Dr girlfriend expected to be pampered through a silent treatment. But I didn't.

Submitted August 27, 2021 at 03:12AM by anotherthrowaway2u
My (22M) girlfriend (20F) didn't like how I reacted to her silent treatment My (22M) girlfriend (20F) didn't like how I reacted to her silent treatment Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on August 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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