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My husband sex drive is changing. It's really exciting to me but I'm also terrified at the same time.


My husband (33M) and I (34F) married five years ago. We have been in a relationship for almost eleven years now. We're deeply in love with each other. The problem is, since he was 26 he had trouble with low blood pressure and was prescribed medication for it. It somehow messed up with his already Low sex drive and made it lower. I have average sex drive (not high and not low) so we managed throughout all of our relationship. Sometimes he'd suffer from ED for sometime, and when we asked the Dr. they mentioned that it's a side effect of his medication, and put him on a diet plan to somehow provide him with nutrients to counter these effects, and when it's so sever a medication for it. Our sex life is pretty normal, but satisfying for both of us. And since his erections were not strong enough so most of our sexual activity is outside of the PIV act.

Now, a couple of months ago he got pretty sick. We visited a new doctor and they put him on a completely different set of drugs and diet plan. They also did extensive blood work on him and found out that his testosterone levels were way below normal, so they gave him weekly shots for that for 4 weeks, then prescribed him tablets for another 4 months.

After his first injection and after the first week of him changing his medications. It was like he became a completely different man. Don't get me wrong I LOVE it. He's NEVER the type of person to have a complimentary mouth, and then one day I saw him looking at me and out of no where he said "God! your ass is incredible I want to just ehmmmmmm". I was totally shocked (not the bad type shock but the good type shock). He turned red and said did I say that a loud and we both laughed. I told him that I like this and if he wants to make these comments I'm totally cool with it. That night we had sex and for the first time for so long he maintained his erection even after ejaculation. It's like he became this new sexy person. After that it was like sex everyday, and lately some days it's twice a day. And for the first time in my life during our relationship he made me cum from PIV. The more orgasms I get the more hunger I see in his eyes.

He's starting to hit the gym as well and starting to work out (with supervision from his Dr. of course to manage his blood pressure problem).

I'm over the moon right now, and if I died I'd die happy. No, extremely Happy. I also started to feel myself getting the need for him more and more and wanting to have sex with him more.

Now, this all is a whole new situation to us, and when we mentioned this to his Dr. he told us that this is the natural way, as his body was testosterone deprived which was abnormal, and there's even hope that when his hormone imbalance is fixed his blood pressure problem might get better (but not guarantee though just hope). Anyway, I'm enjoying myself, but I also want to make him enjoy it more.

As I said I've considered myself with normal sex drive. Now that I feel like I want sex all the time and him as well I feel that I'm slightly uneducated in regards of sex. So, any suggestions of resources I can read or watch containing sex advice, positions, ideas, etc. Anything that would be helpful for me to know and them try it with him?

Thanks in advance :)

TL;DR! My husband has regained his sex drive and stamina after adjusting his medications. I like it now more than ever, and would like to reciprocate with giving him as much pleasure as he gives me and more. I'd like some advice on resources I could use to educate myself sexually.

Submitted March 24, 2021 at 05:23PM by ThrowRAacctgogod
My husband sex drive is changing. It's really exciting to me but I'm also terrified at the same time. My husband sex drive is changing. It's really exciting to me but I'm also terrified at the same time. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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