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My [18F] teacher [40sF] was really offended at my email. What should I do?

In class, my group lesson teacher started [passionately] talking about the local government's shutdown of certain facilities. She criticizes the decision because she thinks it was mostly a result of politics.

I am a part of a club, say Club A. As a part of a club project about this decision, I sent her an email asking her about her views and whether she was willing to do an interview. The email included my club affiliation, the statement that I "understood [she is] extremely against this decision", and an offer to refer to her using a pseudonym. I signed my name at the end. Very short. Very perfunctory.

In class, she asked who sent that "weird email". She said she didn't recognize the email name, and asked the class whether it was I or this other student. When I told her it was me, via private chat, she frowned. Cue a lecture. She began scolding me in front of the entire class, albeit without referring to me by name. This is a summary of her points:

  • She could not accept this request because she did not know my affiliation (I included it?) and she could sense that I did not respect her.
  • She said that she did not know my affiliation, or my intents, implying that I would twist her words to fit my malicious intent.
  • She also said that I misunderstood her words and intent, and so made assumptions which completely misrepresented her position on the subject. She said that the student could have asked for clarifications if they did not understand what she was trying to say, instead of leaping to conclusions like this.
  • At this point, I texted her that her position was understandable and that I apologize for the misunderstanding. I was thinking about the use of "extremely against".
  • She didn't appear to accept it. She said I was making assumptions about her, so she did not feel respected. She also said that assumptions are completely unacceptable and would lead to a lot of trouble for students later on in life.

In the past, she has also passionately talked in class about certain issues in a foreign government, as well as the local government.

Afterwards, she appeared to resume good humor and continued on with class.

I have no idea what to do. I was mostly silent throughout the encounter, because I was really intimidated by the whole thing. Do I talk about it with her after class, or just let it go? I'm afraid she will have a really bad opinion of me from now on. Do I try to switch classes? Do I talk about it with the school admins? Is it even worth it to try talk to her?

tl;dr: I sent an email to my teacher about something she said in class, which: contained something (I'm still not sure what) that my teacher said misrepresented her words, made assumptions, may have had a malicious intent, and did not reveal my affiliation (it did). She angrily lectured me about it during class. What to do?

Submitted December 05, 2020 at 10:55AM by Key-Purple6392
My [18F] teacher [40sF] was really offended at my email. What should I do? My [18F] teacher [40sF] was really offended at my email. What should I do? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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