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My (24F) brother (20M) got caught trying to steal packages while visiting my apartment building.

This literally just happened and I feel at a loss of how to handle this. My brother said he left something in his car and left my apartment to go outside and get it, I heard a commotion in the hall and he is arguing with my neighbor down the hall. My neighbor said that he said he caught him looking at the pile of packages at the doorway across the hallway from him. My brother said that he answered a call with a friend and got lost leaving the building. He saw a package of a cool brand and went to take a picture for his friend, then the neighbor came out and kicked him to stop him from stealing.

I came outside with boyfriend and they were talking civilly. The neighbor was suspicious because of some recent break ins and didn’t recognize my brother. My brothers explanation was kind of suspicious but the neighbor seemed to be understanding and we left on a good note.

My brother has done things like this in the past and I didn’t believe his story. He was defensive and stuck to it. However, the neighbor came down to my apartment a little later and showed me the video from his Ring doorbell. It showed my brother being very suspicious and clearly looking up and down the hallway, and then looking at the packages. He didn’t take anything and the neighbor didn’t specify what he was going to do with the footage.

He was really nice and talked it out for a while. I know he is just looking out for the safety of the building. He is sending me the video and told me it was a family matter, but advised that for a 20 year old that this was not good behavior. I completely agreed and appreciated him showing me.

I dont know what to do now. My brother fell asleep while I was talking to the neighbor and I am sitting here with my boyfriend confused what to do. I am going to talk to my brother and show him the footage, but this is just all so sketchy. I don’t want him to go down a bad path but am scared to think what else he is doing. Our other brother is going through chemo right now and its just been a hard year on all of us. I don’t know if I should tell my parents? They have been through so much but I dont know how to parent this situation. He needs to learn and I am resentful that he put me in this situation.

TLDR; brother got caught trying to steal packages of my neighbor, how do I teach him a lesson and do I involve my parents?

Submitted December 29, 2020 at 10:07PM by yin_yang_gang
My (24F) brother (20M) got caught trying to steal packages while visiting my apartment building. My (24F) brother (20M) got caught trying to steal packages while visiting my apartment building. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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