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My (33F) roommate (24M) has been peeing on my loofah.

So, this is a revelation to me. Unfortunately, I don't know how long this has been happening for, because as soon as I pick up the loofah I smother it in soap so I haven't noticed.

My roommate is horrifically lazy. I have known lazy people in my life, but he takes the award for this. Not only is he lazy, he is disrespectful (obviously) and extremely volatile.

We had a major argument months ago about the fact that he was missing the toilet when he would pee and he wouldn't clean it up. He said "nobody asks you to clean it!" It has exclusively been my boyfriend and I who have been cleaning it up, even after the confrontation. If we leave it, it will never get cleaned. I dealt with it until one fateful night where I stepped in his pee barefoot and it made me snap.

He is a major World of Warcraft addict. Since the new expansion came out, it has been all he has been doing. No work, no cleaning, trashing his room with soda cans and fast food bags. What he does in his own room is his business, however now his laziness has gone to a brand new level--instead of using the toilet, he has been peeing directly into the tub. I don't mean while he is taking a shower, if that was the case I wouldn't care as much and probably would never figure it out. I don't use it for baths, so, whatever.

He pees in the tub and leaves it to dry. I believe he does this because A) he doesn't want people on discord to hear him flush, B) he is in a rush and apparently it would take too long to lift the toilet seat?? C) He is trying to avoid peeing on the floor.

My boyfriend and I are afraid of him. His last blow up resulted in us being threatened and belittled. He's a huge guy so when he threatens physical violence on us, we feel like we have no choice but to let him have his way.

But now he has stepped over the line. We hang our loofah off the tub spout. Never been an issue. Until I noticed there was a good amount of pee near that area. I picked it up, sniffed it, and sure enough... It smells like piss. I'm horrified. I'm sitting here thinking of how long I must have been scrubbing his piss all over my body.

We have nowhere else to go, COVID left us broke and we're still trying to get our lives back. But this can't continue! I'm scared of him and I don't know how to approach this. We have no power to kick him out, either. Our other roommate is extremely passive and has his own bathroom so he doesn't have to deal with the things that we do.

How do I approach this?

TLDR: Roommate is a violent, lazy bully who has gotten so lazy that he is peeing into a dry tub instead of toilet, which resulted in my loofah being peed on.

Submitted December 30, 2020 at 06:56PM by Ailurida
My (33F) roommate (24M) has been peeing on my loofah. My (33F) roommate (24M) has been peeing on my loofah. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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