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A woman (32f) I knew in 3rd grade keeps inviting herself to my (31f) house

This girl, we'll call her Kara, was a close friend of mine in the 3rd grade. She had a shaky home situation. Her parents were young and worked a lot. They weren't home much. Her older sister was in high school and was into drinking, smoking, drugs, boys. Kara idolized her older sister.

I used to sleep over their house a lot. Kara always wanted to watch horror movies like Freddie Kruger, Scream, hockey mask guy, etc. They gave me nightmares and scared the hell out of me and she kept playing them. She was that wild extreme kind of friend who would be like, "let's pierce each other's ears!" She loved playing truth or dare. The older sister would have boys over and they wouldn't bother us. We once filled a pumpkin with spray paint and threw it off a bridge onto some train tracks. The parents were never home. I don't know if I'm doing a good job conveying what it was like with my spotty memories, but she was just an extreme friend for my 8-9 year old personality. I'm more quiet and reserved. We went our separate ways after the 3rd grade.

We hung out once in high school. I don't remember what we did really, just that she was a lot and I didn't click with her.

Starting in high school, she got addicted to heroine. She had her first child in high school too. She went to jail for a while because her and her boyfriend were stealing from people's houses to buy heroine. She has 3 children now from 3 different men and her mother has custody of all of them. I heard she managed to quit heroine but now does Suboxone? I think that helps you not do heroine but has its own downfalls? I don't know much about it. She's always posting pictures of herself and her friends looking high.

After high school, I moved across the country. I got married. Bought a house. Had a kid. I'm pretty boring and just living a regular suburban lifestyle.

Kara and I are friends on Facebook. She's made comments about how rich and successful I am (I'm not?) and just been friendly and complimentary. She messaged me a few months ago saying how much she missed me and she wanted to come visit me when this pandemic was over. I didn't even mark it read. I didn't know what to say so I just ignored it. She just commented again on one of my pictures describing how much she missed me and wanted to fly out and visit me.

It's just weird since we aren't close. I'm not comfortable with hosting her in my home. I don't know her that well and what I do know is kinda sketchy. I don't know if I should just continue to ignore it, reply politely pretend to be interested but never actually make plans, tell her no, block her??

Maybe it wasn't necessary to include the back story. I really do wish her the best. I know addiction is a disease. Maybe her past isn't relevant to why she wants to see me and I'm a mega jerk. I'm so caught off guard by someone I barely know being this forward and don't know how to respond.

Tldr: lady I knew in 3rd grade keeps inviting herself to visit me. I live across the country. She has a history of stealing and drug use. I don't know how to respond

Submitted December 31, 2020 at 09:41AM by naked--
A woman (32f) I knew in 3rd grade keeps inviting herself to my (31f) house A woman (32f) I knew in 3rd grade keeps inviting herself to my (31f) house Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 31, 2020 Rating: 5

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