I’m hoping someone can help me make sense of this.
My sister and her husband have 2 toddlers- a boy(2.5yo) and a girl(1.5yo) . Her husband has never really connected much with their son, but seems to greatly favour and show affection towards his daughter. He has mentioned that he prefers her over their son, simply because their son “doesn’t listen” when spoken to (the kid is 2, for goodness sake.)
In a recent event, my sister heard her son crying hysterically in the living room(this doesn’t happen very often) so raced downstairs to see what was wrong. When down, she saw that her son had spilt orange juice into his eye and and in visible pain from the stinging it caused. This all happened with his father’s supervision. His father who sat nonchalantly on the couch across from him, smirking.
Is this postpartum depression (I know it can be a thing in fathers too) or just plain psychopathy? Because honestly, what parent reacts like that to the visible suffering of their child?
TL;DR Brother in law shows no affection to his son and favours his daughter(both toddlers). Son was crying and in visible pain, but BIL sat across from him and did nothing.
Submitted December 05, 2020 at 04:20PM by Tinsela https://ift.tt/3mRRDG0
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