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My coworker (36m) complained about me (28f) to my bosses at a coworker meeting.

Hello all. This is something that has really been upsetting me since it happened last week. I am new to my job - I was running late for the first time since I started 2 months ago - and had a coworker tell on me to my managers about the day I ran 15 mins late... during a meeting that I was not attending. My bosses were aware that I would be late that day but apparently my coworker thought he was telling them something they did not know.

I work in healthcare... in an out-patient care facility. Workday will start off by my team choosing patient charts (and these will be the patients we will assist throughout their stay - it’s usually an overnight thing) the dividing of charts can be a bit of a roulette game as patient charts are not assigned by management, but are classified into categories of being easy-difficult patients (Ex: Level 1/2/3, 1 being easy 3 being known difficulties) some patients can have many diseases or disabilities physical and mental. Some coworkers will try to get into the office 30 mins early to pick the easier patient charts (level 1). Level 3 charts are always last to be picked it seems lol. We are told by management not to come early as we cannot click in until 7 mins before shift. Shift starts at 7.. patients do not arrive until 8pm and setting up and reading charts is usually easy and takes about 20 mins tops.

As for the charts we are told by management that chart levels should be evenly exchanged around so.... 1 person should have lvl 3 one day, but the next day the person should have lvl 1 etc so that it’s balanced and equal. However it does not seem to always be the case here. I do sense that some of my coworkers look at me as a rookie (as I am still newly graduated into my field) so in a way maybe they are trying to pawn off the level 3 patient charts to me on the daily because they believe I will be afraid to speak up.

I was confronted by my managers as to what was going on - why was I taking level 3 patients every day? I was being asked who divides the charts up.. I said I did not know - that I just get into work at 7pm and take what folder is left. Well this really annoyed my managers so during the meeting that I did not attend my managers asked who divides the folders.. and one of my male coworkers 36 admitted to dividing folders. My bosses got on him about me being given a more difficult work load to which my 36m coworker said “Early is on time. And on time is late. And we all make it a point to be here 30 mins early so she’s going to naturally be left the scraps” apparently management said “being here that early is excessive and you can’t be paid for that time. so it should be better to wait to divide patient charts up at 7pm when everyone is clocked in” I think that really pissed my coworker off because he said “well for example she was 15 mins late last Monday. What should I do in that case? Because that’s excessive” So again, my managers knew that day I was running late. My managers said basically to him that me being late that day isn’t his business and they were aware of it. My coworkers later told me about what my (36m) coworker and what he addressed at the meeting. They basically told me they felt that he was trying to throw me under the bus and to just watch my back. I think he thinks that I made a formal complaint about the charts when in actuality my bosses caught on to it on their own and addressed it. 😞

I can’t help but be mad at my coworker (36m). And feel that I can’t trust him I think what he did was petty and unnecessary. Am I being immature? Or was he? How should I go about working with this person when I’m feeling this way by it? Do I confront my coworker about this? I am confused because I don’t want to viewed as someone who has no backbone either.

Tl;dr I am new to my job - I was running late for the first time since I started 2 months ago - and had a coworker tell on me to my managers about the day I ran 15 mins late... during a meeting that I was not attending. My bosses were aware that I would be late that day but apparently my coworker thought he was telling them something they did not know.

Submitted April 03, 2019 at 08:01AM by HumblePixie
My coworker (36m) complained about me (28f) to my bosses at a coworker meeting. My coworker (36m) complained about me (28f) to my bosses at a coworker meeting. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 03, 2019 Rating: 5

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