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Gf wants to go “on tour” with her escort friend and I don’t want her to

I am 27M, gf is 28F and her friend is 28F. I will refer to the friend as “bff.”

So gf and bff have been good friends since high school. Bff has always been a little rough around the edges... my gf has admitted that she was a bit rebellious in high school and her and bff would do things like skip class to smoke weed, use fake IDs to get into bars, etc. My gf went to a college near her hometown and bff stuck around her hometown after high school, so they’ve been consistently good friends. Gf has been there for her through many rough times for bff and has always been super supportive, which is one of the reasons I love her. My gf has allowed her to stay with her rent free for months at a time and even bailed her out of jail once.

Anyways, bff has decided to become an escort. She has been doing it locally and gotten gf involved by texting her an address every time she visits a John incase something goes wrong. Bff has decided she wants to go “on tour” to a big city and would like gf to go along for safety and someone to hang out with. My gf is beginning a new job in June, and decided to take a few months off inbetween jobs as she can afford it (and deserves it!). Since she’s currently not working, she wants to go along with bff. She says it will be fun, and that bff won’t be escorting the entire time... just one or two guys per day for an hour or so each, leaving them a lot of time for shopping and going out.

Even though my gf is fully supportive of bff being a sex worker, I am not. I think it’s dangerous and there’s a million ways things could go wrong. Gf insists that she will leave entirely while it’s happening. I haven’t told her that she can’t go, but I’ve definitely expressed my discomfort with the idea.

I’m afraid that if I tell her she “can’t” go, bff will be mad and it could ruin the whole dynamic. This is her close friend after all. I also don’t want it to seem like I don’t trust my gf. I do care about bff and I don’t think she should go alone.... I just don’t want my gf being the one to go with her. How do I stop this whole thing from happening? Or do I just let my gf go with bff? I’m so torn.

TL;DR: my girlfriend’s best friend became an escort and wants my girlfriend to come along with her to visit another city for escorting purposes. I don’t like the idea but I want the friend to be safe, and don’t want to be controlling of my gf.

Submitted April 02, 2019 at 05:15AM by anonuser615
Gf wants to go “on tour” with her escort friend and I don’t want her to Gf wants to go “on tour” with her escort friend and I don’t want her to Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on April 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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