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My (22m) friend (22f) only talks to me to vent, and it's kind of draining. How can I bring this up?

So basically we're both in college and go to school around half an hour away from each other. She's been a great friend, and it really seems like she's going through a rough time.

But the only time she ever texts me is to complain, and when I text her she ends up complaining too. It's kind of draining. She'll text me about how bad her anxiety is on a given day or that she's feeling overwhelmed with school or that she's having problems with friends, and go into a lot of detail. Like obviously that's alright, but these are the only interactions we have.

The thing that complicates all of this is that a couple of months ago, I told her I had feelings for her. She didn't feel the same way, which is obviously fine. We met on Tinder originally and then I started seeing someone else and she was kind of seeing someone at the time, but we got really close and also ended up working at the same place over the summer.

I started to develop feelings for her around the time that I told her, and after that she started complaining even more frequently. I've kind of stopped asking about everything she sends me because it feels like taking the bait in a way that's difficult to describe.

The thing that really got to me was last week when we both found out about a fellowship for next year we both applied for. I got it, and she didn't. She texted me saying how "empty" and "devastated" she felt and said that it was great for me and then has texted me a bunch of concerning things since. Like she said she dyed her hair and impulsively booked a trip somewhere and has been drinking heavily. I mean that's obviously awful, but this is the culmination of her doing nothing but venting to me. The relationship just feels very one sided.

Am I wrong to feel this way? I'm afraid that it's just because I had feelings for her, but that's truly not the reason I wanted to be friends with her. Maybe it's both things, I don't know. How can I approach this? Should I just tell her?

TLDR: My friend only talks to me to vent, and it's getting a little draining when we interact. I also told her I had feelings for her a couple of months ago, so the dynamic is a little weird. What can I do?

Submitted January 28, 2019 at 09:19PM by Iwantajobfromsomeone
My (22m) friend (22f) only talks to me to vent, and it's kind of draining. How can I bring this up? My (22m) friend (22f) only talks to me to vent, and it's kind of draining. How can I bring this up? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 29, 2019 Rating: 5

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