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Kind of in an akward situation; I [24m] had one of my girlfriend’s [21f] friends [20?f] randomly show up at my door and is currently crying on my couch. Not sure how to play this one.

Important bit is in the title.

Girlfriend (4 months) drove up to see her family last and won’t be back until tomorrow, so I was planning on an evening here alone before going to work tonight.

‘Bout thirty minutes ago someone rang my doorbell. I opened up and it was one of my girlfriend’s friends. I’ve met her a couple times and got along, but I don’t really know her all that well.

Either way, she was crying and asked if she could come in, so i let her in and she just kinda collapsed on the couch. At first she just told me she had a “bad date.”

I didn’t want to give any wrong impressions so I immediately sent a text to the girlfriend letting her know her friend is over here and upset about I don’t really know what.

The girl did finally calm down enough to talk and told me she had been invited to a party by some guy she likes, then at the party she realized she was his date for a “hog party”. In case you’re not a piece of trash and unfamiliar with the term, it’s a party where guys compete to bring the largest girl as a date.

She says the guy had been her ride, and most of her friends are out of town for the holidays. Being cold (dressed for a party) and rideless, she remembered where I lived and came here because she just needed somewhere to go and thought I seemed nice when she met me.

So, okay, fair enough, I don’t mind letting her chill here and doing what I can to cheer her up, but uh...I’m not really experienced I guess with this particular type of drama.

I haven’t heard from the girlfriend yet. I’m mostly just giving this girl some food and drink and kinda doing what I can to offset her obviously hurt feelings, while trying not to say anything open to misinterpretation, if that makes sense.

Can anyone give me some advice here? Obviously I want to help her out, but I barely know her and I’m not really sure what to say or do. And I just feel kinda akward here.

TL;DR Friend of my girlfriend crying on my couch after being the date to a “hog party”. Want to cheer her up, don’t want to give any wrong impressions, not sure of the right play here.

Submitted January 01, 2019 at 05:28PM by LegitimatePride1
Kind of in an akward situation; I [24m] had one of my girlfriend’s [21f] friends [20?f] randomly show up at my door and is currently crying on my couch. Not sure how to play this one. Kind of in an akward situation; I [24m] had one of my girlfriend’s [21f] friends [20?f] randomly show up at my door and is currently crying on my couch. Not sure how to play this one. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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