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Found out that my (35m) "boyfriend" has been cheating on his (33f) girlfriend with me (32F) for the last 4 months

I met this guy in Sept 2018 on hinge and we hit it off right away. We spent the next two weeks after meeting inseparable and both expressed strong feelings for each other right way. He told me that he had been dating this other woman, who he met in March/April, but they weren't exclusive and she wasn't his girlfriend. He said she had broken her leg when they first met and he wound up taking care of her while they first started dating. He said after meeting me he wanted to break things off with her and only see each other. He asked me to stop seeing other people and we would only sleep with each other. I agreed and was super excited about it. The next week we are laying in bed and a call comes through on his phone and it plays over the bluetooth we had connected and he said it was work and he would have to go into work. The number called another 4 times and i saw the other women's photo come up on his phone and he lied and said he had to go to work. I called him out on it bc i could see her picture come up on his phone. He admitted it was her and felt bad, got nervous and lied. We had a long conversation about actually ending things with her but he said he needed a few weeks to end things. This annoyed me bc why would it take a few weeks to end things with someone you aren't exclusive with?

Weeks go by and he was still being weird about his communication with her and said he was slowly breaking things off but for reasons he didn't want to explain, it would take a little longer. During the next few weeks, he was being super shady. I couldn't get a hold of him for hours at a time, he kept using the same excuses when he couldn't spend time with me that were clearly lies. I would point out the lies and inconsistencies and he would deny everything, say im making things up in my head. After a few weeks I got super fed up with the run around and I ended things. He showed up at my door the next morning and wanted to work things out, telling me I was creating things that werent true. He told me he ended things with her and it was fully over.

We continued to date but i still didn't trust him fully and i always felt like he was doing little weird shady things. He wouldn't open his call log in front of me. He by accident let me see his missed calls and there were several from her. He would always take his phone with him and not let me fully see it. I tried to ignore things but i always felt like he might still be seeing her. He was doing enough to make me trust him again. Facetiming me from work when he wasn't supposed to be there or being more available via text. Every time i asked about her, he assured me things were fully over with her and he only wanted to be with me.

So last night he had to work despite it was his day off. I thought it was weird bc it was NYE and he might be with her but then facetimed me from work. I went out with my friends and i met up with him at 1:30 am. He had just gotten off of work and wanted to go out when i was ready to end the night. So he left me in his apartment and went out with his friends. He never came back to the apartment and when i woke up at 10 am, i was worried. I tried to text and call but he wasn't responding. I went to put a glass of water down on the night stand and i noticed a receipt from her job at a large retail store with him using her discount to buy something two weeks ago. on Dec 14th. Then of course, i went through everything and found a printed confirmation email with her emailing him the details of their upcoming trip to Mexico. He told me he was going to Mexico and repeatedly said he wasnt going with her when i had asked. I got the confirmation number and could see they were both booked for the flight and clearly they are still together.

I called him out on it and he again tried to lie saying i am crazy until i showed him proof of their flight confirmation. Now he is ignoring me like the gem he truly is. My question is whether or not to tell this other girl, who seems to be his girlfriend, who he is about to go to Mexico with in 3 weeks?

TLDR-Guy ive been seeing for 4 months, told me about another girl he was seeing, said he was going to break it off but never did, sleeping with both of us and lying about it after he asked me to be exclusive, and i found out they are going to Mexico together in 3 weeks after he repeatedly lied and said he wasnt going with her. I found the confirmation and have proof they are going together. Should I tell this other woman that her boyfriend has been cheating on her?

Submitted January 01, 2019 at 12:25PM by Jpisascumbag
Found out that my (35m) "boyfriend" has been cheating on his (33f) girlfriend with me (32F) for the last 4 months Found out that my (35m) "boyfriend" has been cheating on his (33f) girlfriend with me (32F) for the last 4 months Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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