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My gf called my old car "janky" and it hurting my feelings alot more than i think it should.

We've been seeing each other for about 2 years.

I (18m) bought a 1982 Mercedes 300d turbo diesel when i was 14. It was pretty rough when i got it. But after years of labor, and working a part time job putting all spare money i had into parts and paint, I had it in road worthy state and was getting head nods and thumbs up everywhere i went.

Then, not two months after i started driving it, i got rear ended. Car is absolutely totaled, no one was injured though. It was beyond any reasonable amount of money and time to repair. I was only kind of beat up though, as i managed to wring out quite the sum out of the insurance company. I probably got twice out of them then what i put in.

I proceeded to buy a ex cop car charger that was in very good condition. First time i picked up my gf (18f) she said she loved the new ride, and that it was so much better and less janky/old. I was taken back a bit honestly. I had a hard time accepting that is what she thought. she changed the subject quickly, not realizing how much her comment really hurt.

Now i can't stop thinking about her comment. How could she say that? It wasn't "janky" at all, it was near bloody mint?! I still have the busted wreck it is in my front yard and every time i look at it i think about that comment. She has no idea how much that comment upset me. And its not like i can tell her I'm upset about it, its a bloody car. Id look so sensitive and insecure if i said what she perceived to be a completely inconsequential comment really hurt me.

TLDR: gf said my old car was old and janky. I strongly disagree and the fact that she must have thought that for years really hurts.

Submitted June 07, 2022 at 11:09PM by RonaldMcDonald19
My gf called my old car "janky" and it hurting my feelings alot more than i think it should. My gf called my old car "janky" and it hurting my feelings alot more than i think it should. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 08, 2022 Rating: 5

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