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My boyfriend (22M) has been gaining so much weight and I don’t know how to handle it

I love my boyfriend so much. But he has been continuously gaining weight ever since the beginning of our relationship, which is a year and a few months.

Dont get me wrong, I’ve also gained weight but it has only been 5/10 pounds at most and I am always still conscious about what I eat because I always want to be attractive to him and to myself. But he has been eating copious amounts of food. In the beginning, it was fun and exciting to eat together. But now, I am begging to feel so infuriated and angry when I see him eat a whole jar of peanut butter and Ice cream almost every other night. It’s like he does not even THINK about whether I am losing attraction towards him. I will always love and be in love with him, but I just am starting to feel so horrible at that thought that he doesn’t care how I feel and doesn’t make any efforts to lose weight.

I want him to not only lose weight, but to be healthier. We see each other long term, but he just is not healthy in what he eats. He excessively eats. I guess I’m writing here to ask for advice on how to tell him he needs to start making real efforts to be healthier. I never want to shame him in anyway, but sometimes I just want to scream at him to stop eating so much. Please someone tell me I’m not horrible. I love him and I just wish he put effort into his appearance, fitness, and health for me the same way I always and have been doing for him.

I don’t even recognize the person I met anymore. I love him but he’s starting to become someone that just was never my type, I just don’t want this to get worse and for me to god forbid lose attractiveness toward. HOW SHOULD I HANDLE THIS?

Tl;dr boyfriend (22M) will not stop gaining weight and makes no efforts to change

Submitted June 01, 2022 at 07:12PM by Philosopher4343
My boyfriend (22M) has been gaining so much weight and I don’t know how to handle it My boyfriend (22M) has been gaining so much weight and I don’t know how to handle it Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on June 02, 2022 Rating: 5

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