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I think I’m in love with the same girl I always thought I was in love with, and it’s been almost 10 years.

I am currently 24 and had really liked a girl at college. 9 years ago, when we was 15/16. At the time we was very flirty for many months with her spending some time with me outside of college. I very fast became obsessed with her. We both moved on as she found somebody else for whatever reason. And eventually so did I, as I was upset and angry she didn’t choose me (although I don’t think I made my feelings clear due to nerves).

We have recently, a couple of months ago both finished our most recent relationships on the literal same day. What a coincidence?

Myself and her began talking literally 9 years later and both said that it was so odd but yet magical the the universe had brought us back together.

She now lives over 100 miles from me, but travelled down to see me. We was both SOO nervous. Could barely even string a sentence together. Was mesmerised by her, and it kind of felt like she felt the same. She even said “you make me so nervous and I don’t know why” - She’s not like me in the sense that she’s extremely outgoing normally and doesn’t really get nervous.

We made the most passionate love either of us have ever made in our lives - we both said it. In my 24 years I had grown to just think I didn’t enjoy sex as much… She changed everything. We was just glued to each others eyes.

But now she’s back 100 miles away. As she needed to go back to work etc. We are still talking daily. But I sense some fear from her. Like perhaps she feels scared of falling that deeply in love. Or perhaps she thinks I’m like that with everyone… The truth is, I haven’t loved or even fancied anyone since her. :(

What I sensed this recent weekend can’t be fake. All the coincidences. All the flutters. I have become unhealthily obsessed with her. The same person 9 years down the line. I can’t stop thinking about her.

I don’t know what to do. Maybe I should give her some space to think. But then I fear she will think I’m not interested.

I don’t know what to do.

TL;DR: Is this love considering I have not stopped feeling this way about her for 9+ years? From an outside perspective does us both admitting that we’ve never made such amazing passionate love to anyone, or that I still make her nervous mean that she feels the same, despite since our weekend together she seems to be holding back her feelings?

Submitted December 14, 2021 at 04:25AM by TripLawd
I think I’m in love with the same girl I always thought I was in love with, and it’s been almost 10 years. I think I’m in love with the same girl I always thought I was in love with, and it’s been almost 10 years. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on December 14, 2021 Rating: 5

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