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I’m (34F) pregnant and my boyfriend (32M) got mad at me for being insecure about a new female friend.

I’m 34F, he’s 32M. We’ve been together for 3 years. I was told I couldn’t get pregnant but just found out I’m about 8 weeks along. We’re both excited and have an ultrasound scheduled for Monday.

He’s very involved in a sport. He spends most of his free time playing with his friends, his ex was a part of this sport, and the only girl who’s ever caused a major issue in our relationship is part of this sport too. (He flirted with her a lot over an out of town sport outing I didn’t attend and I found out.)

I don’t play this sport. I’ve tried and occasionally go out with him to practice but he and his friends are so serious and competitive I don’t feel comfortable playing with them until I feel like my skill level is higher. But I support him and rarely care that he goes out to play... a lot.

This week a pro in this sport has been staying with his friend while she’s on the road. My boyfriend helped her set up a tournament and yesterday went to play with his friends and the pro. I understood he was excited and didn’t mind, but I’m unemployed and pregnant so I was alone from 6am to 9pm. Lately I’ve been trying to at least get in bed by 8:30 because I’m exhausted.

When he came home all he could do was talk about the pro and how much fun they had. I let him talk and engaged in the conversation before I was too tired and we went to bed.

This morning he was getting ready for work and he was still talking about it. Her playing style, her trailer, her dog. Ok cool. Then he said he was trying to encourage her to go on that yearly sport outing out of town... the same one where he flirted with that other girl. This outing is notorious for drinking, drugs, and whatever.

The outing will be when I am 8 months pregnant, so obviously I am not going. I’m trying to be understanding and had told him I want him to be able to go if everything is going smoothly but something about inviting this new girl rubbed me the wrong way.

I half-joked “What is she, your new best friend? You know I’m not going to be able to go, right?”

He immediately shut down and said that this is why he doesn’t like to tell me stuff, I just get jealous (rightfully so, I’d think?) and it ruins things for him. I said that maybe I just shouldn’t tell him things either even though I’m hormonal and he’s making me feel more insecure. I then had to go to the bathroom (yay morning sickness) and he left for work while I was throwing up.

Other than this he has been incredibly supportive and sweet, but when it comes to his sport it seems like he has blinders on. For me I have always been insecure, especially about girls in this sport that I’m not good at, and being pregnant is not helping. What do we do here?


I’m pregnant and my sport-obsessed boyfriend has made a new female friend in the sport. He keeps talking about her and it’s making me insecure and when I voiced this he got mad at me. How do we handle this?

Submitted March 25, 2021 at 04:03AM by turnedthemachineoff
I’m (34F) pregnant and my boyfriend (32M) got mad at me for being insecure about a new female friend. I’m (34F) pregnant and my boyfriend (32M) got mad at me for being insecure about a new female friend. Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on March 25, 2021 Rating: 5

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