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Suggestions for Snoring Partner

My partner (26M) and I (also 26M) have been together since March of last year and recently moved in together in October. It's been fantastic and frankly, we have very few problems, and when something does come up, we're really good about communicating and working things out.

We have separate rooms as we firmly believe we should have our own spaces if we need them, and originally we assumed we wouldn't be sleeping together. We're finicky sleepers and don't put much merit in the whole "sharing a bed is the be all end all of sleeping arrangements in a relationship, and something's wrong if you don't" thing.

Most of the time this has been fine, we get our cuddling in when we're awake and then go our separate ways for bedtime. Recently, however, he's had longer hours and tends to be more tired when we're snuggling. He falls asleep super quickly when he's tired and starts snoring very quickly as well.

I'd like to be able to just let him sleep, as he's very comfortable to sleep with otherwise, but I take longer to fall asleep and can't do so with the amount of noise he makes, so I'll gently wake him up and we'll go to our respective rooms. Sleep is important, and he doesn't wanna deprive me of mine. It's preferable for us to sleep apart, but sometimes I wish we didn't have to. I feel bad sending him away for something he can't help.

We know why he snores, he has a deviated septum from a childhood soccer accident that didn't get fixed properly, which, other than this, only mildly affects his sense of smell. For some reason, his body tries to breathe through his nose rather than his mouth when he's asleep, despite it not working very well, hence the snoring. The medical procedure required to correct it isn't really in the cards for us right now money-wise.

I've tried earplugs (both foam and those wax ones that don't even go in the ear canal) but they've been too uncomfortable and intrusive for me to sleep with. He's tried those nose strips that hold your nose open, but has found them equally uncomfortable and lopsided on his crooked nose. We've tried propping him up with pillows to little avail as well (Finicky sleepers and all that).

I'm primarily asking to see if anyone else has experience with combating snoring, especially if the snorer has a deviated septum, or if we're destined to just sleep apart. I won't be heartbroken, and neither would he, I'd just like it if we could sleep together every once in a while.

TL;DR My partner snores when we share a bed, and traditional solutions (earplugs, nose strips) don't work or aren't accessible right now (medical procedures), so I'm looking for alternative suggestions that may have worked for others.

Submitted January 27, 2021 at 01:06PM by mikeydoodledandy
Suggestions for Snoring Partner Suggestions for Snoring Partner Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 27, 2021 Rating: 5

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