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16f friend is being abused by 34m mentor, if I tell anyone she will get kicked out of academy and have nowhere to go

Sorry if I make mistakes- I’m on mobile and English isn’t the first language, I don’t live in a western country.

Me (17m) and my friend/ex “L” (16f) go to a academy that specializes in preparing us to join the military once we get out. I add in the ex part because we dated for a bit but around the time all of this started she broke up with me but we remain good friends. We have a lot of combat classes and there was a point where L was struggling. So the school set her up with a mentor, a man who does not work for the school but with them. He is in the military and he began mentoring her three nights a week.

As I’ve said, this is around the time she broke up with me. She said she needed to focus more on school and her training which I understand and completely respect.

However it has become clear that her mentor, who is 34 years old, has begun to engage in an inappropriate relationship with her. On certain days we walk to class together and when I go to her room he was leaving, very early in the morning. He was angry that I saw him, and told me to keep my mouth shut. She is very secretive about the texts he sends her and will leave or stop whatever she is doing to go to him if he calls her even if it is not training hours. She has marks and bruises on her that she says are from training but she still tries to hide them and is secretive about them.

If I go to a professor she will get kicked out of school for inappropriate relations and he will just be kicked from the mentoring program but nothing else. She does not have anywhere to go or any support system if she gets kicked out so I am in fear for her. But I think this mentor is abusive and taking advantage of her.

I tried to talk to her about my fears but she says I need to mind my own business and I can’t get her kicked out of school. I think the only solution is for her to complain to the school he is not a good mentor and she needs a new one but she will not even talk about this idea.

I saw in the news Reddit in America figured out a way to trick the stock market. I have never been on this site before but I hope you can also find a way to solve this problem. Thank you all.

Tl;dr: my friend is being hurt by her mentor, I don’t know what to do next

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 10:59AM by throwRAdfran
16f friend is being abused by 34m mentor, if I tell anyone she will get kicked out of academy and have nowhere to go 16f friend is being abused by 34m mentor, if I tell anyone she will get kicked out of academy and have nowhere to go Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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