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My [28F] boyfriends [33M] creepy friend [40M] is coming between us

My SO and I have been together for three years.

He has a friend that is a somewhat close friend, probably sees him once every couple weeks for beers/to hang out. I worked with his friend for a few years and he's known to be a creep. Constantly getting into trouble at work for sexually messaging women way too young for him ect. He's a good natured guy but a terrible alcoholic and this is when that behavior occurs. Everyone laughs it off, because that's just him and he is always super apologetic when it does happen.

Then his behavior escalated this year. Two months ago he messaged me totally unprompted and asked if I wanted to 'mess around'. Or course he was black out drunk, so after a stern talking to from my SO we kinda forgot about it because, well that's just him.

Then he finally gets fired from his job. Turns out a girl he worked with since she was [16!] Had complained about him messaging her when she turned 18. He sent a literal kid he worked with till they were of age sexual messages.

Now here's where I'm done. I'm drawing the line, it's not funny behavior that is straight up disgusting. I remove him off of Facebook and made it clear to me SO I don't want to see him. At first, my boyfriend seems to understand. Then he starts to make excuses for him. 'Well technically they're both adults' 'she messaged him back a few times' ect. Then he caves and says he's going to talk to him and tell him it was wrong.

Ok, whatever. Better than nothing. Then I find out he's regularly hanging out with this guy despite me being super uncomfortable with him. I honestly feel like my SO doesn't care how I feel or I'm going to get over it. I fucking hate this dude and one of us is going to have to give someway. I can't avoid a guy that my boyfriend is seeing 2x a week or more.

Tl;Dr boyfriends creepy friend showed some borderline grooming behavior yet he still hangs out with him

Submitted January 28, 2021 at 01:31PM by acadiavz
My [28F] boyfriends [33M] creepy friend [40M] is coming between us My [28F] boyfriends [33M] creepy friend [40M] is coming between us Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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