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My (24F) boyfriend (27M?) Of a year and a half has been lying to me this whole time?

Hey all, so where to begin.... I'm using a different account since he knows my reddit handle.

I started seeing my boyfriend Rick Carter (fake name) about a year and a half ago after we met on Tinder. We hit it off pretty well. We both lived at the same apartment complex, were from the same city living in a different city, and had a quite a bit in common. Over the year and a half we've gotten to know each other quite well and I have fallen in love and care quite deeply for him. Right from the get go he's always treated me very well and has always been respectful. He's not wealthy by any means, but he does buy me meals quite often and gets me nice gifts for birthdays and Christmas. I do frequently cook at home for him, so I feel like we have a good balance. However he never expects anything from me, he's always thankful when I do cook and is a respectful lover. He is a very private person, he does not do social media. And he loves to travel, and has even thought about where he'd go when he's able to. He even talked about tagging me along.

Now he has a lot on his plate, especially when it comes to his mom. She has a lot of health issues and often needs to leave or is late because of her, but I've always been understanding and it really isn't that big of a deal to me, I'm glad he takes care of her. Overall I'm quite happy with him, but as my mom has pointed out, she has noticed some odd behaviors. My mother and I are quite close, she's a very wonderful, caring person and I trust her opinion. I know she just wants what is best for me. But it is true, some things are just quite odd.

For one, he has never spent the night. In my head I conjured it up to the fact that he might have to leave to visit his mom in the middle of the night. Two, I've never met his mom. Before all this started I did want to meet her, but now with the pandemic I totally understand him wanting to be especially cautious since she's so frail. Three, I've never met any of his friends or someone else who knows him. Again, the pandemic has made this easy to dismiss, but even before covid it never happened. Three, I've never been to his place. We lived in the same apartments, yet he was always at my place. He claimed to like the privacy more since I only had one roommate where he had 2, and he didn't have a TV in his room like I did (we watch a lot of movies). And now I have moved out of those apartments and live alone, so we're always at my place. All of these do have some valid excuses, but it still feels weird.

For a while I've wanted him to meet my mom, and it finally happened not too long ago. We went out to dinner and everything went well, my mom thought he was very nice and respectful. But this is where things get interesting. Unbeknownst to me at the time, she took his license plate number. For the longest time, I'd tried looking him up on social media, but never could find him. However I know he didn't want his family finding him. They don't sound like good people, so from my understanding he wiped everything clean. No trace of him on the internet, or so I thought. I talked to my mom on the phone today, and it turns out she had done some research on him. Due to her job she is in a position to look certain things up, and the results were shocking to say the least.

So he told me his last name is Carter, but my mom was unable to find anyone by the name of Rick Carter in the system she uses in our original city. So she looked up Rick C. and his birthday and found someone by the name Rick C. Campbell (last and first name have the same initial). And looking up the license plate, it doesn't show you directly the name, it only tells you if it's right or wrong. Rick Carter was not correct, but Campbell was. He's told me his last name is Carter, even on the pizza delivery box it showed his last name as Carter. I was in disbelief, surely this couldn't be true. However after looking up the name Rick Campbell I found an old picture of him. I knew his Facebook was deactivated, but I looked it up anyways. The first result showed a profile picture of one of his favorite travel destinations. I knew it was him, all the proof points to him lying. His tinder also shows him as being 27, but Rick Campbell is 30 according to everything we found.

I'm in total shock. I don't know what he would get out of lying. I don't come from money, and I feel like he really cares about me. He bought me stuff when I was sick and stayed up late when I traveled 3 hours to go visit my family in the original city just to make sure I got there okay. He almost always buys me dinner and never expects anything from me. The only thing I could think of is trying to hide from his family? Otherwise I don't know why he'd lie about his last name and age. Knowing this I know I need to discuss this with him, but I don't know how to bring it up. Obviously I don't want him knowing it was my mom who brought this to my attention. I just don't know what to do in this situation. Any help is appreciated.

TL;DR my boyfriend of a year and a half lied to me about his last name and his age.

Submitted January 30, 2021 at 03:01PM by TwitchCablebaum
My (24F) boyfriend (27M?) Of a year and a half has been lying to me this whole time? My (24F) boyfriend (27M?) Of a year and a half has been lying to me this whole time? Reviewed by KING SAMUEL on January 30, 2021 Rating: 5

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